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"Will, have you met anyone new? I'm sorry about Natalia. I never had the pleasure of meeting her, but I'm sure she was a wonderful lady. By the way, this restaurant is exquisite," Betsy, my uncle's most recent wife, chirped, extending her hand to him with a flirtatious smile.

Honestly, if she keeps squeezing those massive breasts into those tiny outfits, they're bound to pop one of these days. She's just his latest fling, and knowing his track record, I'd give her a year, tops.

Natalia was the one woman I was seen with more than once – twice, to be precise. I made my intentions crystal clear – love was off the table and it was nothing but sex. It was fine until our second meeting when she started discussing officially dating and moving in together. Anyway, my bed and home were off-limits to anyone.

I never will.

When I ended things with her she started showing up at my multiple offices in different cities and harassing my staff to see me. I soon filled out a restraining training order and threatened to stop funding her father's campaigns. I haven't heard from her in six years.

Funding her father's political campaigns had its perks. As long as he remained in office, he and the authorities conveniently turned a blind eye to the less lawful aspects of my business operations.

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm sure she was. How's her father?"

"Are you still funding his campaign, this is his fifth term in office, yes? I'm starting to wonder how legitimate those polls are Will." My uncle says rather lazily. He always spoke so lazily and never got to the point perhaps it was old age. He was 67 years

I could care less, I didn't want to be here I'd rather be anywhere than here.

In her arms - no! Absolutely not!

"Indeed, people seem to adore him. He has contributed significantly to the city," I replied, masking my boredom. We'd been here for an hour, and dessert was the only thing pending. I had a feeling that the reason behind my uncle's invitation was to ask for money – a story I knew all too well.

I'd inevitably end up paying the bill, given my uncle's tendency to squander his fortune on gambling and women around the world. And his track record for marriages was equally impressive, with this being his sixth in just six years.

In addition to that his previous wife Clara caught him cheating with my help, of course, she received an anonymous email about my uncle's infidelity and included a good lawyer's number in there too.

She was smarter than he was so if I took away his brain, it would give me more time to finish my parent's conditions for my inheritance.

She knew I'd finish all my father's tasks on the list but had difficulty with my mother's.

she was right

She took half of his money from the divorce and started a book publishing company, in addition to that she switched sides and started rooting for me. I too invested in her publishing company. I was secretly rooting for her.

But she didn't have to know that.

I even made it an objective of mine to attend her wedding in Vermont next year in the summer. I hated weddings but she asked me so many times. I figured I'd do it as a favour to her.

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