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"Diana, where's your sister?" I inquire, my attention shifting from the patient files to my five-year-old daughter to ask where her eight year old older sister Marie is.

They often spend evenings with me at the hospital's daycare after school. I try to check on them every twenty to thirty minutes.

"Mama, look at my drawing," Diana proudly holds up her artwork – an orange cow with green spots.

I manage a smile, both impressed and amused by her creativity, but my concern for her sister overshadows it. "It's lovely, sweetheart, but where's your sister?"

"She's in the ball pit," she answers, her attention already shifting back to her friends and her masterpiece. I give her a quick kiss on the forehead before I head to the ball pit to find her older sibling.

"Mama, watch me jump!" Marie's voice rings out as she springs into the air, disappearing into the colorful sea of balls. I watch her in both wonder and mild apprehension.

I help her out of the pit, removing a small toy tangled in her curls, and cover her with affectionate kisses all over her sweet face.

Both my girls have my curly hair and a slightly lighter skin tone from me and their father's striking green eyes.

Along with his attitude.

"Are we going home now?" Marie asks, her eyes filled with anticipation as she gazes up at me.

I smile and nod. "Yes, my little love." I set her down next to her sister and retrieve their coats and bags. After helping them into their winter gear, I carry Diana while holding Marie's hand.

"Thank you, Savanna," I express my gratitude to one of the daycare workers.

Savanna smiles warmly. "You're welcome, Dr. Harper. Your daughters are absolute angels."

My heart swells with pride. "Thank you, Savanna." With a final goodbye, we head out of the hospital .

"Mama?" Marie's soft voice tugs at my attention. "Yes, Marie?"

"When we get home, can we make a snowman?" Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

Diana chimes in, her enthusiasm infectious, "And can he have a big carrot nose, Mama?"

"Of course, my little loves."

"Hi, Doc. Straight home?" Oscar, greets as he opens the car door for us. I pass him the kids' bags and mine, settle Diana into her seat, and then help Marie.

We start driving, with the other vehicles with bodyguards trailing behind and in front us, security was a non negotiable with William - I learned to live with it.

"Diana, that idea was mine first," Marie protests .

Diana counters with a giggle, "I made it better."

"Girls, why not say it was a joint idea?"And they agree on that.

The car ride is filled with their animated chatter about their impending snowman adventure.

The car eventually pulls into our driveway. Diana and Marie bolt out of the car, dashing past the security guards stationed at the entrance. There are security guards everywhere from the first to the final, even the drive way and the garden.

They offer small smiles to the kids but other that you might think they're made of stone.

The giant black double doors swing open, and their laughter fills the air as they disappear into the house.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now