Home Sick

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The past two days have undoubtedly been the most trying days of my life. After passing out in William's arms, I woke up feeling incredibly ill.

I immediately rushed to the bathroom, where I began to vomit uncontrollably. I was dehydrated, had a mild fever, and could tell that I had food poisoning. The doctor later confirmed my diagnosis, but I had already suspected it based on my symptoms.

I couldn't help but wonder how I had contracted food poisoning. I had been so careful with what I ate and drank, yet here I was, suffering from the effects of it. My head was pounding, and I felt weak and dizzy.

I couldn't seem to get comfortable, no matter how much I tried to rest. I was sweating profusely, and my nausea was overwhelming. I had no appetite and felt soreness in my joints. To make matters worse, my skin was irritated, and I felt restless.

My initial diagnosis was that I had ingested mild poison, but I quickly dismissed the idea. It seemed far-fetched, and I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to harm me. So, I settled on the fact that it was food poisoning and hoped it would pass soon.

"Would you like to get some rest?" William asked as he handed me a bottle of water. We were sitting in his private jet, waiting for takeoff. He had wanted us to leave yesterday, but I had been feeling too sick to fly. William had been visibly frazzled since that night, and yesterday he had hired extra security. I didn't know why, and I was too busy puking my guts out to ask.

"Yes," I replied, William, lifted me up with utmost care and carried me to the bedroom. Ever since the incident, he had been extremely cautious and had not let me walk anywhere.

The room resembled a small hotel room, with a queen-sized bed and a small seating area. William gently placed me on the bed and brushed a loose strand of hair from my face. He tucked it behind my ear and left without saying another word.

As I closed my eyes and it was like sinking into a cloud. I woke up mid-flight and made my way to the cabin. Upon entering, I found William having a conversation with Oscar and Kain. He looked livid and furious, his anger was palpable. He dismissed them the moment he saw me enter the cabin.

"You should be resting," he said, his voice soft.

"I got hungry," I replied as I took a seat. William nodded, and a few moments later, the flight attendant brought me the fruit salad I had requested. I ate in silence, trying to ignore the way he was looking at me. The fruit salad was a mix of fresh strawberries, blueberries, grapes and kiwi, and it tasted delicious.

"Can I ask you a question, darling?" William asked, breaking the silence. I nodded and put the plate down. "Of course," I responded.

"Could you tell me exactly what happened after I answered my phone call that night?" he asked, his eyes fixed on me.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Answer my question," he said firmly.

"Nothing really happened after you left. I was telling your uncle about work," I said, trying to recall that night's events. "Oh, The waiter did drop a plate on the ground near our table, and I do recall standing up to give him a hand. After that, I returned to the table and had a small sip of your drink," I said, smiling. But I don't think he found me doing that funny.


I continued, "Much to your uncle's disapproval, I started feeling a bit woozy soon after and went to the bathroom." I finished and plopped a grape into my mouth. I could see the gears turning in his head as he processed the information.

He replied with just a "mm" and proceeded to act like I didn't exist. I finished my fruit bowl. I felt a sense of confusion as I left the cabin and headed back to the bedroom. I drifted back to sleep not too soon after that.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now