Unexpected reunions

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The aftermath of the ER incident with Mr. Henderson leaves me rattled. I hurriedly slip into the changing room, grab my bag, and bid hasty goodbyes to my colleagues. Bay 12 is to be avoided at all costs.

The engine of my car roars to life as I navigate the parking lot. Thoughts churn in my mind like a tempest. Could his presence at the hospital have anything to do with me? No, that's implausible. He knows nothing about my life here. I'm just letting paranoia get the best of me.

A trip to the grocery store offers a semblance of normalcy. Cereal and ice cream find their way into my cart, essential items to ward off any potential Hannah-Ava disputes. The mundane task is strangely comforting. I imagine Ava's probably already here, her work hours being earlier than mine. The thought brings me a modicum of reassurance. Ambi and Hannah's shifts vary, depending on the day.

With groceries in tow, I walk to the empty parking lot humming as I put the groceries in my car.

Then, a voice cuts through the air like an icy blade. "Bubba." I'd recognize that voice anywhere, even after all these years. It can't be real. Please, let it be a figment of my imagination.

I turn, and my heart plunges into the abyss. Standing before me is the embodiment of my past nightmare - James Hyes, garbed in a black hoodie. "What... are you doing here?" My words are laced with dread.

"I came to see you, Bubba. I missed you. Haven't you missed me?" He advances, and I instinctively step back, my breath catching.

James, my ex-boyfriend from four years ago. We were once inseparable, the perfect couple. He gave me the nickname "Bubba." A name I used to love, is now an agonizing trigger.

It was heaven on earth for one year until one day he initiated sex and I told him I wasn't ready he called me a tease and tried to rape me he apologised and I forgave him. I could barely recognise him after that. Not too many days after that I tried to break up with him and he hit me multiple times, he apologised but I didn't want to hear it.

I managed to escape, and I reported it to the police but his father was mayor at the time so my case was disregarded. He sent me threats for months after that and showed up at my former apartment and would just stand outside for hours in his car and when I didn't leave my apartment he would leave.

When it got too much for me I told my friends and Akira thought it would be safer if all of us lived together for my safety. We did everything together none of them let me leave the house alone. It was the most terrifying year of my life to make matters it was my most difficult year at uni. He got arrested for drunk driving and went to rehab for anger management

I changed my address when we moved in with Akira and I never heard from him again until now.

"No, I haven't now what do want James?"  I speak more aggressively. I'm not that young and naive anymore I have more confidence and can speak up for myself.

"I just wanted to apologise for how I treated you back then after you broke up with me, I lost myself and couldn't come to terms with myself. I'm really sorry Bubba", he makes the face I used to love seeing every day but now it disgusts me.

"Tell me you missed me Bubba, I've missed you I lost everything after you" he steps back putting his hands in his pockets."No, I haven't missed you, James. What do you want?" My voice is sharper, laced with a newfound strength borne from surviving the darkness.

He reaches out, and I recoil, refusing his touch. "Tell me you missed me, Bubba."

"I didn't. Your struggles are your own. Goodbye, James. Leave me be. I've moved on, and so should you. I'm seeing someone." The lie tasted bitter on my tongue.

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