Fake date

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The car ride to the date was so silent you could hear a pin drop. As Albert drove me to the restaurant, I asked him, "So, Albert, how long have you known Mr Henderson?".

I needed to learn more about this man.

"I know him for quite some time. I drove his mother to the hospital when she gave birth to him. I have been working with him since he was a baby!" I could not help but smile at Albert's enthusiasm.

For the remainder of the car ride, we discussed William in diapers and learned more about Albert. It turns out Albert has a wife and children, and he plans to retire next year and spend the rest of his life in the countryside.

That's one of my biggest flaws I get attached way too quickly

We delved into a lively discussion about his plans for the countryside, painting a picture of a peaceful life amidst nature's embrace. "Personally, Miss Harper, the murkier the better. I'm a country boy at heart."

"Well, I love horses. Does that count for anything?" I quipped playfully.

Albert glanced at me through the rearview mirror, his eyes twinkling. "Have you ever been on a horse, Miss Harper?" I shook my head, and he chuckled. "Then no, Miss Harper, that doesn't count."

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, like a familiar tune, and soon enough, Albert pulled up to the restaurant. Opening the door for me, he offered his hand, and I took it with a grateful smile. My heels clicked on the pavement as we approached the entrance.

A red-haired man greeted us with a warm smile. "Good evening, Miss Harper. I'm Brian, Mr Henderson's assistant." He extended his hand, which I accepted. "Mr Henderson is waiting for you inside. May I take your coat?"

"I'll take it from here, Brian," a velvety voice spoke from behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

William Henderson stepped closer, his presence wrapping around me like a familiar embrace. As he helped me out of my coat, his lips brushed my neck and shoulder in a gesture both tender and electrifying. A shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't deny the intoxicating effect he had on me, even with our limited acquaintance.

"Darling, you look absolutely beautiful," he murmured, his hand finding its place on my lower back. The waiter guided us to our table, positioned strategically in the heart of the restaurant's romantic ambience.

Seated at our table, William's touch reluctantly left my back as he pulled out my chair. I settled into the seat, "Anything else I can get for you, Mr Henderson?", Our entrance hadn't gone unnoticed. Whispers rippled through the room, eyes stealing glances, and hushed conversations paused. Some blatantly stared, while others furtively captured the moment with their phones

I shake my head as William  replies for us, "No, thank you." He takes a seat across fo

Leaning forward, his lips grazed my ear as he whispered, "Showtime, darling."

I fought back a shiver, mustering a confident smile. "Have some faith in me, Mr Henderson."

He chuckled a rich sound that sent a delightful tremor through me. "You weren't very good at drama in school, so I'm a bit sceptical."

My eyebrows shot up, surprised by his knowledge. "I take offence to that, sir." I playfully batted my eyelashes at him, momentarily forgetting the sea of eyes fixed on us.

As his apology flowed from his lips, his teeth grazed the tip of my ear, sending a thrilling jolt of energy down my spine. My confusion deepened - was this part of the act? Were his actions carefully choreographed, or were they driven by something else entirely?

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