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Groggily, I blinked my eyes open, the residue of a nightmarish dream still clinging to my thoughts. The events of the previous night had etched themselves deeply into my mind, leaving me grappling with a sense of unease. There was an unmistakable awareness that I had stepped into a territory I might not be able to navigate.

"I like it when you call me darling," my own words echoed in my mind, and I cringed at my own audacity. What possessed me to say something like that?

A rush of boldness had compelled me to initiate that kiss, and to my astonishment, he responded with a fervour that matched my own. His embrace drew me onto his lap, and our lips locked in a passionate exchange. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving us lost in the moment, caught up in a whirlwind of emotions.

"Dr. Harper! Are you even here?" Hundley's stern voice sliced through my thoughts, snapping me back to the reality of the hospital floor. Twelve gruelling hours into my shift, my mind stubbornly clung to the events of the previous night, refusing to let go.

And then there was that diamond ring, which I had flung across my room in sheer astonishment this morning. Ava, in her curious way, had tested its resilience against various surfaces, leaving the ring unscathed but the window damaged. To avoid drawing unwanted attention, I decided it was safer to leave the ring at home.

"Absolutely. Paging Dr Sutton for a spinal evaluation on the twelve-year-old in Room 302," I replied, trying to focus on the task at hand, but the images from last night tugged persistently at my mind.

Before me sat a worried mother and her ailing son, both seeking reassurance. I offered a comforting squeeze of her hand, hoping to convey a sense of empathy.

"Fret not, Ms Grant," I reassured her with a warm smile. "We'll ensure your son is on the mend soon. Dr Sutton is an exceptional physician, and I'll personally oversee his care after the consultation."

Her gratitude was palpable, and I guided her to Dr. Sutton's office. Just as I was about to take a seat, a page from Dr Ross called for my immediate attention.

"Please excuse me for a moment. But even if I don't return immediately, rest assured that Dr Sutton will attend to your son, Ms Grant." With resolve, I left the room and swiftly made my way to Dr. Ross' office.

While I usually entered without hesitation, the recent influx of important personalities at the hospital prompted me to knock gently before entering.

"Come in," Dr Ross's voice granted me access. I stepped in, cautiously assessing the room. It was just him behind his desk, with Elizabeth seated nearby on a couch.

"Your Majesty, you requested my presence?" I inquired, offering a graceful curtsy. His laughter danced in his eyes, a glint of amusement that felt oddly endearing.

"You think you're funny, custard, but you aren't," he quips, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he playfully points his pen in my direction before easing back into his seat.

"We both know I am, Richard," I retort with a grin, sliding into a seat on the plush couch opposite Elizabeth. My intention to nonchalantly rest my legs on the coffee table is abruptly interrupted as a stress ball comes hurtling my way.

"Hey, now! That's hardly fair. Richard, are you going to let her treat me like this?" I protest, shooting him an indignant look. His casual shrug only encourages Elizabeth to launch another stress ball my way.

The reason for Dr Ross' page becomes apparent as he rises from his seat, his towering frame crossing the room to settle beside me on the couch. An instinctive pang of nervousness pricks at me, like a student facing the principal's office.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now