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The next day


I couldn't contain my excitement; today is my first day working at the research centre. I've been up since 7:30 AM, anxiously thinking about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. William is leaning against the closet entrance with his arms and legs crossed, watching me pace around our bedroom in my underwear.

After taking a shower, the reality hit me that I have no idea what to say today. William, already dressed in a three-piece suit, sets aside his finishing touches and observes me.

"What should I say? Hi or hello, or perhaps good morning?" I turn to him, feeling a sense of pressure.

"Whatever you like," he replies with an amused smile.

"William, you've been saying that for the past hour. I need to be perfect," I respond, feeling the weight of my expectations. He walks over to me, his presence commanding yet gentle. His eyes, filled with adoration, lock with mine.

"Whatever you say will be perfect because you are perfect, darling. You are perfection itself." He leans down to kiss me, and all my worries melt away at that moment.

"But wait, what am I going to wear?" I pull back and look at him, wide-eyed, not giving him a chance to answer before bolting to our closet and frantically searching through my clothes.

"It can't be too bright, but it also can't be too dark," I mutter, hurriedly sifting through my options.

"William, are you listening?" I inquire, hoping for his input.

"Darling, of course, I am," his voice comes from somewhere in the background. I finally choose an outfit and turn to find him adjusting his tie.

"Should I wear this?" I ask, trying to focus, but something about a man fastening his watch mesmerizes me.

"Yes," he calmly replies, walking over to me. But I quickly turn around again and select something else. "What about this?"

"Darling," he says, but I turn around once more, reconsidering my last choice.

"Darling," this time, I feel his arms wrapping around my waist, turning me to face him. I wrap my arms around his neck, seeking his reassurance. A sundress and white sneakers in the summer never can never go wrong.

"I'm proud of you," he says genuinely, his words resonating deeply within me. "You are brilliant, and you are going to do so much good for the world, regardless of what you wear or say."

"Thank you," I whisper, feeling grateful for his support.

"Glad I could help," he responds.

I arrive at the research centre a few hours later and notice a lot of construction workers outside the building. I manage to make my way inside, where it's less noisy but still bustling with people coming and going. Some carry outdated equipment, while others bring in new and improved gear.

"Allyssa!" Fatima calls out, and I turn to see her approaching me. I can't help but embrace her, savouring her lovely rosy scent.

"What's happening?" I ask, confusion evident in my voice. Fatima's excitement is contagious.

"Someone donated five hundred million pounds to our project and covered the costs of reconstructing the building and everything else," she exclaims. My jaw drops in astonishment. I had only asked William for five million pounds, and five hundred million is beyond my request.

"The donation was anonymous, so we can't express our gratitude directly," she explains.

"I'm sure we'll find a way," I assure her, still processing what she just said.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now