Girls night prt2

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The chaos unfolded below me like a carefully orchestrated drama, each character playing their part in a symphony of conflict and tension. The redhead's forceful entry into the scene was unexpected, and I watched as she forcefully pushed James, her actions mirroring her fiery hair.

Ava Carter, her name floated through my thoughts, a woman who exuded danger beneath her seemingly innocent facade. It was a facade that wouldn't fool anyone with a discerning eye, and I certainly wasn't one to be fooled. I knew each of them by name and reputation - Hannah Kingston, Ambi Chen, Akira Campbell, Ava Carter, and, of course, Allyssa Harper.

I could and want to kill James right now, I'd pull out my gun and shoot him. Or slit his throat that would be savoury.

But I  won't intervene because I want her to accept that she needs protection that only I can offer. And I am sure Alessio effortlessly has the situation under control.

What I'm failing to understand is why he cares so much for Miss Campbell.

"Maybe I should live in Alessio's building it would save me a fortune on security.", Noah says as he sighs into his drink.

"Mm",  Alex, Christian and I agree with him.

"Why does he care so much about those tenants?" Noah's voice echoed my own thoughts.

"Perhaps he's avoiding another accident," Alex's words held a hint of amusement, a reference to a past incident involving Alessio and witnesses that had been "convinced" not to speak.

"That was your fault you just couldn't let it go ", Noah says to Alex as he rubs his temple. He was the only pacifist in our group Christian, Alex, Alessio and I couldn't be bothered.

Our morals were a bit bent and we wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who stood in our way consequences be damned.

"Those shoes were custom made if that idiot stepped on me, I would have shot him too,", Christian shrugs

"Three hundred million Alessio dislocates something on his face" Alex turns to me.

We had a habit of betting petty money that one of us would or wouldn't injure or kill someone that threatened our peace of mind.

"Five hundred million he takes him outside kills him and leaves him on the street," Christian says as he pulls out his phone.

"Seven hundred he does nothing and lets him go," I smirk as I pull out my phone too.

"That's impossible, look at the way that dolt is pointing and threatening him. Alessio doesn't let disrespect slide. Eight hundred million he sends one of his men to kill him in his house at least.", Noah says as we turn our attention back to the scene unravelling below us.

James points and threatens Alessio and turns back to the ladies and things get interesting,

Miss Kingston points at James and tries to do what I assume is threatening him, Miss Carter slaps him twice and Miss Chen shoves him backwards he stumbles towards Alessio who steps out of the way and he falls to the ground.


Miss Campbell pours her drink on him as he gets up and she attempts to slap him but Alessio grabs her hand and pulls her to him. Allyssa finally steps in between everyone and tries to drag her friends away from James, they reluctantly agree and step away from him.

Security eventually escorts James out to the opposite exit as he mutters something to Alessio who looks unfazed by his childish tantrums.

He looks visibly angry, I wouldn't wish for even my worst enemy to be in the line of fire.

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