Girls night

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It's been a week since William's proposal, I've tried my best to ignore it but I can't.

I need the money and the protection but I'm also not ready to date a narcissistic billionaire for two months and marry him for a year.

I stepped into the darkness of my apartment, anxiety coiling like a serpent within me. The sudden eruption of voices jolted me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" The chorus was a thunderous assault, and for a moment, I felt as though my legs might give out. My bag slipped from my fingers, and I was enveloped in a whirlwind of embraces and excited screams.

Akira, Hannah, Ava, and Ambi, my steadfast companions for fifteen years, materialized in the midst of the chaos. Our friendship had been forged over a shared tuna sandwich, a bond that had only grown stronger with time. Their presence was a balm to my unsettled nerves, a reminder that no matter the challenges, I had an unwavering support system.

"Akira, aren't you supposed to be in Italy?" I managed to utter, my surprise evident as I held them close.

She shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It got... too intimate."

"It's Italy, babe," Hannah chimed in with her signature confidence, tossing her perfectly styled hair with a nonchalant flair. "Everything's intimate there."

"Now that you're back and have the next two days off, let's go celebrate," Ambi suggested, thrusting a vodka shot into my hand.

The notion was seconded by Ava, who took a swig directly from the bottle. "My thoughts exactly!"

"And don't worry, we already got you a dress," Hannah chimed in, her enthusiasm contagious.

A wave of gratitude swept over me, a reminder of the unbreakable bond that held us together. With our resolve set, we ascended the stairs to Ava's room, a place of transformation and laughter.

Clad in our chosen ensembles, we embarked on the next chapter of the evening, the prospect of celebration erasing the shadows that had lingered earlier.

As we entered Club Ecstasy, the vibrant energy of the place enveloped us. The atmosphere was electrifying, pulsating with music that resonated in our bones. Akira's observation of the dazzling chandelier above drew my attention, the cascade of crystals reflecting the kaleidoscope of lights.

"This place is insane," she remarked, her wonder infectious.

Ava nudged me playfully, her proximity a reminder of our shared history. "Only the best to celebrate our anniversary."

Now, we were celebrating with a well-deserved night of drinks and dancing at the hottest new club in town.

While Ambi, Ava, and Hannah made their way to the VIP area, Akira and I pushed our way to the bar. We'll do a lap of the dance floor later and let off some steam.

I was the one who'd suggested we go clubbing tonight, even though we were all tired from work, so I didn't blame them if they wanted to chill. Honestly, we should've stayed in.

I placed my order and scanned the club while I waited. "This place is amazing", I say looking over to Akira who's smiling from ear to ear until she looks up to the VIP area and her smile drops.

Her smile faded as she looked beyond me, and I instinctively followed her gaze, dread pooling in my stomach. Mr Henderson and his companions occupied the VIP area, their attention inexplicably focused on us.

It was as if the air had turned heavier, the weight of their presence suffocating. The possessive gleam in Mr Hernandez's eyes as they settled on Akira was unmistakable.

As we make our way back to Ava, Hannah and Ambi, someone gently taps my back making me turn around.

"Hey Bubba, miss me?"

Double fuck.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis as I stared into those familiar blue eyes, my ex-boyfriend's presence like a ghost from the past that I couldn't banish. A shiver raced down my spine, my heart hammering against my ribs.

"Surprise," he uttered a casualness that sent a chill down my spine.

I struggled to find my voice, my throat constricting with anxiety. "What... you..."

James, my ex-boyfriend, stood before me, and my mind waged a battle against reality. His features, etched in my memory, were as vivid as ever - the cleft chin, those piercing blue eyes, and that disarming smile.

"I thought you were in Ibiza?" I finally managed to articulate my confusion, my voice trembling slightly.

James' smile took on a brittle edge. "Come with me," he stated, a promise laced with a hint of threat.

My gaze flicked to Akira, who stood beside me, her shock mirroring mine. James motioned subtly to a darker corner of the club, a gesture laden with intent.

Akira, however, had no intention of stepping aside. "Absolutely not," she interjected, her voice dripping with defiance. "She's not going anywhere with you. Get lost, you creep."

James' patience waned, and a dangerous glint entered his eyes. "I'm not here for you, Akira," he snapped, shoving her aside with a finger. "Now get lost, you crazy u—"

The tension in the air shifted abruptly as a commanding voice intervened. "I suggest you avoid completing that sentence, boy." Mr Hernandez's words were a chilling rebuke, his gaze unwavering as he stared down at James.

James turned to face Mr Hernandez, his anger melting into begrudging respect in the face of an imposing figure. Akira seized the opportunity to interject, her voice level despite the turmoil. "I can defend myself, Alessio. There's no need to make a scene."

Alessio's gaze remained locked on James, an unspoken promise of violence lurking beneath his cool exterior. Confusion mingled with curiosity as I observed the tense interaction, questions swirling in my mind.

Alessio's voice was like ice as he addressed James, his authority unshakable. "I want you to leave my club and not look back."

James' demeanour shifted, his bravado giving way to a semblance of submission. "Listen, man, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just need to speak to my girlfriend, but she won't let me talk to her." He gestured towards Akira, a plea in his eyes.

"She has a name, and I said I'd like you to leave," Alessio's voice dripped with barely contained anger.

Feeling a surge of protectiveness, I pulled Akira close to me, wrapping my arms around her. "Akira, it's okay. Let security handle it. Let's go home. I don't want to make a scene."

She nodded, the fight in her demeanour fading as weariness overtook her. She exchanged a glance with Alessio, silently pleading for this situation to end without further confrontation.

As we stepped away, my curiosity drew my gaze towards the VIP section. William, along with his companions, observed the unfolding drama with a mixture of detachment and intrigue.

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