Ms Henderson

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"So let me get this straight. If I understand correctly, you had three objectives: to return his coat, ring and secure his signature on the contract," Ambi inquires with a look of shock on her countenance.

We were in the kitchen, enjoying a meal, and I was recounting the events of the previous evening. I found myself in a precarious situation with less than a week until my wedding day.

Ava interjects, "And you left having received five orgasms, a signed contract, and a wedding in just one week." She grins from ear to ear, clearly pleased with the outcome.

Hannah stood up from her seat and walked over to the sink, her plate in hand. She turned to me and said, "In my humble opinion, you should take the win." Her words were spoken with a hint of sincerity as if she genuinely believed that I deserved the victory.

It didn't feel like a victory it felt like I had just set myself up for failure, if I and William fail to keep it PG then the possibility of us blurring the lines.

As she placed her plate in the sink, Ava turned to Akira and said, "Thank you for cooking, Akira. This soup was amazing, babe." She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, a small gesture of appreciation for her culinary skills.

Akira smiled at her words and replied, "I aim to please." She then turned to me and said, "Maybe he was joking about the wedding. He was just in a post-lust daze. He didn't mean it." Her words were spoken with a hint of uncertainty as if she wasn't entirely sure what to make of the situation.

We all agreed that it was just the lust speaking for him until we heard a knock on the door. We all turned our heads in the direction of the sound, wondering who it could be.

Ambi, always the curious one, asked if anyone was expecting guests. We all shook our heads, unsure of who could be at the door.

As I got up to answer the door, Ava followed closely behind me. She jokingly suggested that it could be Willaim, but I rolled my eyes at the thought.

It couldn't be him.

I opened the door to find Brian standing there, his face partially obscured by a pile of designer bags from other designer brands I couldn't begin to pronounce. I was surprised that he managed to knock with all of those bags in his arms.

"Good morning, Miss Harper. May I come in?" Brian asked politely.

"Of course, Brian! Please come in," I replied, surprised to see him. He walked past me and headed straight to the living room, where he dropped the bags onto the couch and the rest tumbled to the floor.

I offered him a seat and asked if he needed any help with the bags. He declined, but I could tell he appreciated the offer.  Ambi, Akira, Ava and Hannah joined me in the living room with jaws hanging to the floor.

As soon as he stepped into the house, Brian couldn't help but compliment it. "You have such a lovely home," he said with a smile. His eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail.

Turning to us, he pulled out an iPad and pen. "Right, these are a few things I thought you could need to prep for the wedding." His smile was warm and inviting.

"Miss Harper, are you alright?" he asked, noticing my stunned expression. I was still in shock from his sudden appearance. But he didn't seem to mind and quickly moved on to greet my best friends.

"You must be Miss Carter, Miss Chen, Miss Campbell, and Miss Kingston," he said, shaking their hands. They were still in shock, unable to believe the sight in front of them.

"So, ladies, shall we get going? We have quite the day ahead of us. I've booked fittings for the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. We also have to plan the menu for the wedding, but I have that covered. However, Mr Henderson requested that you should pick out a suit for him," he said, placing his hands on his hips.

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