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"Should we wake her? It's already 12:45 pm," I heard Ambi's hushed voice discussing with someone.

"We've already waited an hour. Should we give her another hour?" Hannah replied in a soft whisper.

"She's got to wake up eventually. And this cake is getting heavier by the minute," Ava chimed in, her voice a tad louder than intended. I could sense their efforts to quickly hush her followed by resumed whispers.

With closed eyes, I turned in their direction, trying to convey my patience, or perhaps the lack of it - they all go quiet.

"Guys, you need to wake her up. This is getting ridiculous," I thought I heard Akira's voice, probably on a video call.

Footsteps approached my bed, and a hand began drawing comforting circles on my back. "Allyssa, wake up, my love," Ambi's gentle whisper tickled my ear. Slowly, I peeled my eyes open, greeted by the sight of my best friends kneeling around my bed, holding an ice cream cake adorned with a solitary blue-lit candle.

"Happy birthday to you," they began singing in harmonious unison. A silly grin broke across my face as I sat up. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear llyssa, happy birthday to youuuuuuuu," Ava's final note held an extra burst of energy.

"Make a wish, babe!" Akira's cheerful voice resonated from her phone screen, her expression radiating pure joy.

With closed eyes, I made a silent wish, one for a future brimming with happiness, health, and success for all of us, and, well, a partner to share it all with. As I blew out the candle, my eyes flickered open.

"What did you wish for, babe?" Hannah inquired, offering me a glass of water along with a couple of aspirin. My savior.

"I'd have to kill you if I told you. Thanks," I replied after swallowing the pill, my gaze shifting between them.

"Where's the fun in that, Harper?" Ambi playfully pouted as she began slicing the cake, presenting me with a delectable piece. My mouth watered at the mere sight.

"Guys, I've got to go. My flight's boarding. Happy birthday, llyssa! Send me tons of pictures! Love you all, bye!" Akira's voice echoed before she abruptly ended the call.

"We'll call her back when she lands," Ava retorted, playfully placing her phone on the nightstand and joining us on the bed, settling beside Ambi.

"Any plans for getting laid tonight?" Ava asked, her eyes dancing mischievously as she took a bite of cake.

"I know I do," she announced, collapsing backward dramatically, her fingers idly playing with one another.

In my twenty-five years of existence, I had yet to share such intimate experiences with anyone, making me an outlier among my peers. It was a topic that often spawned teasing, especially from Hannah and Ava.

"TMI, Ava. And to answer your curiosity, Allyssa is simply waiting for the right time and person, right, llyssa?" Hannah interjected, a hint of mockery lacing her words.

"Ease up, you two. That's enough. Out, everyone. I'm sure llyssa wants to freshen up, and it's our turn to run errands," Ambi intervened, coming to my rescue. She ushered Hannah and Ava to their feet amidst their good-natured bickering.

"Thanks, Ambi. And yes, I do need to freshen up, maybe do a little studying, paint a bit, and prepare for the extravagant outing you all planned," I replied, stepping out of bed and offering Ava my now-empty plate.

As I guided them toward the bedroom door, their playful banter continued. They exited with one final exchange of words, leaving me to head toward the shower, embarking on my first day as a twenty-five-year-old.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now