Missed you

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After our lunch, my mind was clouded with thoughts about William. I couldn't stop thinking about whether or not he felt the same way about me. The truth is, I've fallen deeply in love with him and the mere thought of confessing my feelings terrifies me.

As soon as I got home, I rushed to take a shower. Standing under the warm water, I let my thoughts consume me. I couldn't help but replay our last few months together over and over in my head.

Is it just sex? Is he in love with me? Does he at least have feelings for me? What if I want to actually be with him?  These questions swirled around in my mind as the water cascaded down my body.

I knew I had to be careful with my heart. Confessing my love could jeopardize our contract and leave me heartbroken. But at the same time, I wanted to know how he felt about me - about us.

.But my thoughts were interrupted by a sense of disappointment when I remembered that William had something else to do and would be home late. I couldn't help but wonder if he was with another woman, but I knew I shouldn't jump to conclusions. If he was with another woman, he didn't owe me an explanation.

As much as I wanted to sleep, my mind wouldn't stop racing. Thoughts of William and us kept me awake, making it impossible for me to drift off. The sound of his footsteps approaching the door brought me back to reality.

As he opened the door, I heard him speaking rapid Italian on the phone. I strained to understand, but it was no use. He walked closer to me, and I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I could feel him staring at me as he sat at the edge of the bed still on the phone, he leaned in, kissed my cheek and then stood up went into the walk in closet, and I let out a breath of relief.

After a few minutes, he stepped out of the closet and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower running, and my mind raced with questions. Who was he talking to? Was it a woman?

After his shower, William came back to bed, dressed only in his briefs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"I know you're not asleep, darling," he said in a playful tone.


I turned to face him, and he looked at me with his beautifully jade green eyes and a lazy smile.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear."Something like that," I replied, avoiding his gaze.

He nudged my chin, and I looked at him again."What's wrong, darling?" he asked, concerned.

"Nothing. I'm just tired," I said, swallowing the lump in my throat and forcing a smile. He looked at me sceptically, knowing that something was bothering me.

"Are you sure that's all it is?" he asked softly, his thumb gently brushing against my cheek and bottom lip.

"Yes," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I just can't sleep."

William pulled me into his arms. "Can I tell you a secret ?" he asked softly, as if afraid to disturb the silence.

I nodded, looking up at him with curiosity etched on my face. He leaned in and kissed me gently, but there was a sorrow in his touch that I couldn't ignore.

"I lost my parents eleven years ago today," he said, his voice rough. "It was a plane crash, and I blame their death on myself every day."

My heart ached for him as he recounted the tragedy of his past. "I asked them to fly in early. It was a selfish request, and it cost them their lives."

He paused for a moment, and I could see the pain written all over his face. "I've been living with that guilt and pain for so long, trying to make it up to them, trying to make them proud. And today I just found out that I was blaming them for something, that wasn't their doing."

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now