Girls night prt3

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As soon as we left the club, we hopped into an Uber to get to Akira's. During our drive home, we were in a shocked state, until Ava broke the silence with a cheerful remark.

"In my opinion, it could've gone worse," Ava says, with a hint of optimism in her voice.

"How could no one have told me James was back?". Akira glares at me as if I betrayed her. I knew I had to explain myself, so I smiled at her with a cheerful tone.

"I didn't want to ruin your vacation, you seemed so happy. I didn't want to bother you with my nonsense", I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"We'll talk about this later." I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that we had the option to continue this discussion when the time was right.

The silence resumed until we reached Akira's. As soon as we stepped into the apartment, she asked me the same question again.

"Okay, so can you explain to me why you never told me that James was back?" Akira asked, with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"You're the one that told us not to bother you with bad news," Ambi replies with a shrug

"But I didn't think you'd take it so seriously", she sighs, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry I never told you about James, okay?" I bat my eyelashes at her, my smile widening. "I guess I should have known you'd be the type to take things to heart, my love"

"Don't use those against me, llyssa, I am serious." She says, doing her best to suppress her smile. She can't help but let out a little giggle, though, and I can tell she's not mad at me anymore.

"And so are we, so why don't we have a delicious pizza and pour ourselves a glass of wine, and then we can tell you everything" Hannah exclaimed with a cheerful smile as she pulled out her phone.

"Fine," We all agreed, deciding to order a large, delicious chicken pizza and some juicy burgers with a side of fries.

Unfortunately, the food took longer than expected and by the time it arrived, we had already told Akira all about the whole James issue including the police part.

"Are you okay Allyssa ?", Akira asks me.

I chew my lip, "I will be, I want to forget any of that happened ."

I need to start therapy again.

"Everything will okay be I promise" Ambi reaches out and grabs my hand and squeezes it

"Well thanks to James, our night out is ruined, what now?" Hannah sighed into her fries, her shoulders drooping.

Ava dramatically dropped her head onto the table and sighed too.

This is my fault, all my fault.

"Night in?" Akira raised her eyebrow, looking at each of us with a twinkle in her eye.

"Definitely!" Ambi replied, her enthusiasm shining through as she looked around the table.

Ava, being the life of the party as always, suggested that instead of getting a bottle of wine, we should get something a bit more exciting, like vodka

She was so full of life and enthusiasm that it was impossible to resist her suggestion. We all agreed that vodka was the way to go, and it was sure to make the night, even more, fun.

After all, what's a party without a bit of vodka to get the party started?

It turns out it was a great idea, we made some cocktails and have a night of fun and games we whipped up some delicious cocktails and had a night to remember. After we savoured our meals, we played random games.

My darling AllyssaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora