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I couldn't sleep, ever since I was told that I would be going home after what feels like a lifetime in here, I just couldn't close my eyes. I was afraid it would be nothing more than just a dream. But it wasn't, I am really going home.

The warden called me to her office and told me that my letter was ready and my release had been processed, I should go and pack my stuff cause in the morning I am leaving. I got to my cell and found Shelley laying on the bed reading a book.

"How did it go?" She asked as soon as I sat down on my bed. "What did that old hag want?"

"I'm going home." She closed the book so fast and sat up.

"What do you mean you are going home?"

"I am going home. My release has been processed and I am leaving in the morning." She rushed over to me and gave me the biggest hug. I held on to her for dear life, and just took everything in. Everything I'd gone through, being here for so long, the beatings you get for not wanting to join a gang, the many times I've been raped my body has become numb to it, I'm finally going home. It feels so surreal.

We sat there for a while until the bell rung for us to go have supper. We got up and went to the cafeteria. After supper we went to take our shower and then go back to our cells, even though I should have been packing, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I figured I dont want to do all that and then be disappointed in the morning. I will believe all this when I step out of that big gate and smell the fresh air of freedom. I dozed off I think around midnight.

I woke up that day like normal, prepared for work and gave Bontle a bath. That day she seemed better, she wasn't crying as much as the other days. For once in a while I wouldn't worry much when I left her to go to work. Her nanny came in about thirty minutes before I had to leave. She seemed to be in a good mood too.

Lesego and Lesedi showed up before I left, I could see from their gloomy faces that something wasnt right, but never in my wildest thoughts did I think they were there about Paul, afterall Paul was supposed to be in Cape Town.

When Lesego uttered the words "Paul has been shot" I felt my world spinning. I felt like I was getting dizzy and no matter how much I tried to stop the spinning it just kept going. They told me they were there to take me to the hospital to see him because Doctors weren't sure he would make it. I knew I should be crying, I was sad and hurt but my tears refused to comply. Instead of crying like any normal person it felt like I was,  instead breaking inside like a flask.

We got to the hospital and we were told Paul was still in Surgery. The rest of the Mashile family was now gathered in the private waiting room. I sat down next to his mother, but when I looked around the room, it was cold, not the normal cold from the weather but the cold that emanates from some sort of hatred that people have for you. I wasnt sure what was going on and at that moment I didnt care, I just wanted to see my husband.

We sat there for another couple of hours before the doctor came out and told us that he was in Intensive Care, they had managed to remove the five bullets that were shot into him. I couldn't believe it, five bullets pumped into one body, and he lived. I sat down and said a prayer thanking God for saving him, even though he was still unconscious but I was just glad he was alive.

I asked the doctor if I could see him and he told me he would come get me soon as he was fully settled in. I'd never heard that before but what do I know, I was just a twenty one year old who almost became a widow. I sat down and the rest of the Mashile's, Paul's siblings, Lesedi, Malcolm, Princess and Palesa decided to leave. I was left with Mrs Mashile and Lesego. She got up and started pacing. If I didnt know better I'd think she had something on her mind.

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