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All good things have to come to an end. My two weeks in Joburg is finally up. It feels weird but in a good way. I've learnt so much in so little time. And now it's time to go back home.

We packed up our things soon as everything had been done and the report had been printed and emailed to the powers that be. We waited in the boardroom for the Biyela's to address us before we leave. They came in looking like the power couple that they are. My mother always said never envy people's lives cause you dont know what they are going through behind closed doors but I can't help loving this couple. They seem so in sync with each other and they look perfect together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. This is the end of the road. We truly appreciate it. So, right now you will head to the hotel, refresh and change, there will be transport waiting for you to take you to dinner. We can't let you go without  little bit of a party."

There were cheers and whistles around the room where  they said that. We all went back to the hotel and as instructed I took a shower and changed to a pair of Jean's with a mesh shirt and heels. Lungelo left two days ago and I miss him already. I wish he was here but tomorrow is just a few hours away.

I went downstairs to the lobby soon as I was done. I found some of my colleagues already waiting. A viano parked outside in the parking lot. We got up and went to it. We got in and waited for the others. Soon as everyone was in we drove to a restaurant in Sandton. It looked expensive as fuck.

We got in and sat down at the long table that was prepared for us. A few minutes later our hosts joined us and we ordered food and drinks galore. It was so much fun just bonding with everyone. We even lost track of time. By the time we looked up it was almost three in the morning.

We drove back to the hotel and literally had a little time to sleep and pack. I'm pretty sure I had less than two hours of sleep. Morning came and we headed out. We checked out of the hotel and the viano took us to the airport.

We got to Durban  and Lungelo was already waiting at the airport. And lucky for us we disnt have to report to work today so we went home. I got home and the first thing I did was throw myself on the bed and head to dreamland. Philani and Lando know how to throw a party. I dont know how many shots I took last night. Every single one of us boarded the plane with shades on to hide the red eyes and hangover.

I woke up feeling super relaxed, well almost. I did have a bit of a minor headache, but it was nothing an aspirin wouldn't cure. I got up and went to the bathroom to pee. I came back and threw myself on the bed again. I picked up my phone and found a missed call from Bontle. I called her back immediately.

"Hi mummy."
"Hi nana. I found a missed call from you, what's up?"
"Nothing much. I have news." I could tell by her voice that she was nervous.
"Well, a few days ago I got a letter, it was for a scholarship, one I didnt even apply for and then a few minutes later someone sent twenty thousand into my account."
"Okay, the scholarship is nice, but how did you get it if you didnt apply for it? And who would send you that much money?"
"The scholarship thing, I searched for the company it came from and the company doesnt exist, as for the money, it had a reference, P Mashile." That son of a bitch. He thinks he can manipulate my daughter with money. Who the fuck does he think he is.
"Okay, you did good by telling me. Have you spent the money?"
"Good. Get a bank statement from the banking app and email it to me together with the scholarship letter. Okay."
"Okay ma."
"You did good Okay. And if you need money I'll send it to you. This sudden money Paul sent you is his way of trying to manipulate you."
"I figured as much. You can't buy love."
"Exactly. Greet gogo for me okay. I'll come see you soon. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye."

I hung up and called Khanya.
"Makoti." He said soon as he answered the phone. I dont think I'll ever get used to that.
"Hey, uhm so Bontle got a scholarship from a none existing company and then Paul sent her twenty thousand."
"That son of a bitch."
"That's what I said."
"Tell you what, I will find a way to get the bank to reverse that money and then figure out what's happening with the scholarship."
"Perfect, thank you. I'll send you everything soon as Bontle sends it to me."
"Good. And I take it neither one of you gave him Bontle's bank details?"
"Definitely not."
"Right. I will let you know how it goes okay."
"Okay. Thank you so much."

I hung up and went downstairs. The house was empty. I'm sure Lungelo is at work. I decided to start making dinner. I checked my emails and came across one from my boss. I opened it and it had an attachment to it. I opened the attachment and it was a contract. A work contract for a permanent position at work. I decided to call Mr Hlophe.

"Nomonde. How are you?"
"I'm good. I just got an email from you saying you are giving me a permanent position. Is it real?"
"Yes, it's real. Zonkhe told me how impressive you were in Joburg so we decided to make your position a permanent one. Welcome onboard Miss Mashile."

I felt my heartbeat rise to double its beat. I am officially a chartered accountant. Crazy. As impressive as this is, I need to change my last name back to Gumede. I refuse for my contract to bear that God forsaken name. Tomorrow morning, my first stop will be to home affairs. It's time for Nomonde Gumede to make her presence known and felt.



CJ's ceremony is coming along just fine. Well CJ is my son. Nqobile not only gave my son another man's last name she also gave him his name too. Yeah neh, when women want to hurt you they make sure.

I figured since Monde was sleeping I would go and check on some of my businesses. I went past a flower shop and got about a dozen Rose's. And just as I was walking out I bumped into Nqobile.

"She's a lucky girl."
"No, I'm the lucky one. What do you want Nqobile?"
"Well, now that I've ran into you, maybe we could talk about the ceremony."
"Is my mum dead?"
"I told you if you need anything regarding this ceremony you will talk to my mother or Muzi."
"Really, Lungelo. This is your son not Muzi's or your mother's. Cant you show a bit of interest!"
"You know what would have been interesting? Actually getting to know my son, but you denied me of that opportunity. My mum and Muzi are waiting to solve whatever issues you might have."

I left her there and got into my car. I drove home and found Monde playing some music. She was dancing around the lounge. I decided to join her and goof around. We danced around for a while before we threw ourselves on the couch.

"You're in a good mood."
"Well I just got some good news. Hlophe is giving me a permanent position at the firm."
"Yeah." She said with a huge smile plastered on her face. I pulled her up and picked her up the  spun her around while she giggled. I put her back down and kissed her.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help."
"Actually I didnt do anything. This is all you. You did this baby. You rebuilt your life and now it's paying off. I cant wait to see how far you will go." I wiped the tear falling from her eyes and gave her a hug.

I've never been a corporate fan. I dont like being confined and following a protocol or standard that's been laid out. Sometimes I look at Nomonde when she gets ready for work and the smile on her face tells me she enjoys it. I wonder how far she would be if Amanda hadn't happened and the Mashile's had had a bit of Faith in her and believed her? Looking at her now and seeing her rebuild herself from the inside out and reaching for all the dreams she was denied before makes me so proud to be a part of this journey. And I pray to God this time nothing stands in her way, but even if something does come up, this time she will have a whole team rallying behind her and ready to fight with her at every turn. I cant wait to see what Nomonde will get up to in this lane. But I'm pretty sure it will be amazing.

My phone beeped indicating a message. I looked at my phone and it was a message from Khanya. Malcolm Mashile had committed suicide. One down, how many more to go? Who cares, we have good news to celebrate.

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