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I'm having a baby. I'm having a baby. Those words have been ringing in my head for the past week. I don't know if this is me trying to convince myself or it's me trying to make sure this isnt a dream.

When Nomonde told me she had her tubes tied I didnt really care much. I had told myself that if God had wanted me to have kids he would have given me kids a long time ago. I mean at my big old age it's not like I wasnt having sex, I was and yes sometimes without protection, which is why I understood when Nomonde insisted on using condoms, even though she couldn't get pregnant.

I figured it was safer that way until we both tested just to be on the safe side. We eventually got around to it and we found out we were both clean. Except of course because of those fucken prison guards Nomonde had a few STDs in the past but lucky for us, she got her treatment so we were good. We continued using condoms but of course there were those moments when we got caught up in the moment and condoms were the last thing on our minds. I guess this is the price we pay for it.

I've been doing a bit of research on what to expect during this time but to be honest I don't think I will know all that I need to know in just seven months. But I can try right? This is probably the best news I could have this year. Christmas is less than five weeks away and I think my gift came early. Santa must be in a good mood.

I was in the office at the club going through a baby book I bought at the mall. My lesson for the day, cravings. According to this book women have the weirdest cravings, even though not all pregnancies are the same but the weird cravings seems to be a common denominator.

Muzi walked in like he owns the place. This one needs to be banned.
"I'm going to ban you from my club. You're distracting my manager." He sat down and put his feet up on the desk.
"You just ruined my day."
"What did I do?"
"Why are you here. Its lunchtime and I should be having my lunch right now."
"Okay so what's stopping you?"
"You are." It took a while for me to figure out what he was trying to say. This idiot's 'lunch' means having sex in my office.
"Eeuw, what the fuck bro. This is work."
"I know,  and since you overwork my fiancee I have to get it in whenever I can."
"You're five to being a sex addict wena." He laughs and takes the phone. He calls the kitchen and orders his lunch, real lunch this time. He puts the phone down and grabs the baby book.
"And now. What's with the baby book? Dont tell me Monde is pregnant?" I had to debate with myself for a second if I should tell him or not. I havent told anyone especially in my family about this. Monde wants us to wait until she is over three months, which is the first trimester. Yes I learn new things everyday.
"I will tell you if you promise not to tell anyone. Not even your mother cause I know you and your big mouth, especially when it comes to MaMtolo."
"Dude, you make me sound like a mama's boy. Of course I won't tell anyone."
"Okay. We are going to have a baby." I see a huge smile form on his face before he got up and punched the air.

"Yes." The smile disappeared as if he just remembered something. "Wait, didnt you say she had her tubes tied?"
"She did. I dont know how it happened but it did." He started dancing around the room before he came and gave me a hug. He pulled back and looked at me pretending to be emotional.
"I'm so proud of you. For a moment there I thought you were shooting blanks."
"Uh newsflash, Buyelekhaya?"
"Yeah but we didnt know about him until recently so." He shrugged his shoulders and sat down. To be honest though if Nqobile hadn't showed up with the news of Buyelekhaya, even though he was already dead I was actually beginning to doubt that I could father a child. But here we are.

Muzi's lunch came and we ate. When we were done he got up and went back to work. The way he spends so much time around here I wonder when he gets to see his patients. But then again he also lectures at UKZN and sometimes he will let his students handle any minor operations, under his supervision of course. And he says he trusts them so.

My Sisters KeeperМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя