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Paul's arrest is trending on social media, and I'm pretty sure by now Bontle has seen it. But I dont have the time to explain everything to her now, although I'll have to. And it would have been better for her to hear about this from me atleast. But with all the drama and commotion happening now, I need to be at the hospital with my man. I just hope she can understand.

After Paul was arrested I drove back to the hospital. As soon as I parked the car I rushed inside to the waiting room to find it filled with the Radebe's. I was nervous a bit seeing everyone there, I hope they dont blame me for this. I wanted to take a step back and try get some strength but I was a bit late because MaMtolo saw me first and she quickly rushed to me and hugged me. I stood there like a robot, this is not what I expected but Thank God for her sweet heart. She pulled away and held my face in her hands.

"Sthandwa sam, how are you feeling?" I try to fake a smile but it doesnt really work out the way I wanted it to. Instead I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
"I'm trying. When did you get here?"
"A few minutes ago. How are my baby girls."
"They are Okay, just shocked about everything."
"I can imagine. Come, have a seat." I let her lead me down to a chair. I looked around and I swear the whole Radebe clan is here. And now there are other people i dont know. I'm guessing they are Philani's family.

"Can we pray?" MaMtolo announces bringing the room to total silence. We stand up and hold hands creating a circle all around. "Heavenly father, merciful God, we come to you with pleading hearts and bring forth your children, Lord please have mercy on their lives, protect them Lord and bring them out of this mess that they are in Lord, please Lord, send your Angel's to protect and watch over them father till they come back home, safe and sound. Amen."

There are Amen's resounding all around the room. Everyone sits down where there is space, and those without space stand. My phone rings, its Bontle. I get up and go outside the waiting room, I take a seat on one of the benches.

"Hi nana, is everything okay?"
"Is it true?" She asks with her voice breaking. I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be okay, I just want to assure her that things will be okay, but how will it ever be. Her own father almost killed her stepfather, and now, even though it might not be obvious but she will feel like she has to choose between Paul and Lungelo. And whatever choice she makes, it might just feel like betrayal to the other.

"Its true baby, I'm sorry." I hear her sniffle trying to hold back tears.
"How could he do something like that? Did he even stop to think about you or Imi atleast." I can hear the heartbreak all the way from here.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't want to believe it either until he confessed everything to me."
"I'll never forgive him for this."
"Dont say that."
"I mean it ma, it wasnt enough that him and his family took you away from me for all those years and now this. When will they ever rest?"
"Let's leave the past where it is. Right now we need to pray that Lungelo comes out of this alive. That's all we can do. The law will take care of Paul."
"I guess. Can I come to the hospital later?"
"Sure, but I dont think you'll be able to see him, he is still in surgery."
"That's okay, I'll wait with you."
"Okay. How is ma?"
"Worried. She's been locked in her room praying."
"Let's hope God listens to her." She chuckles.
"You know she has Gods private number, I'm sure He has heard her." I chuckle and hang up.

I sit down and take a deep breath. I know this looks really bad, but I cant help feeling hopeful, maybe it's the thought of our wedding that keeps me sane. I know I wasnt too keen about it but hearing Lungelo's excitement about it makes me happy. And right now it's the only thing that's holding me together. I want our wedding, I need him to wake up and see me walk down the aisle.

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