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Whichever Angel is holding the remote on my life better not change the channel cause I like it here. I love this chapter or phase of my life. It doesnt feel forced or rushed. It just feels right. Like it's meant to be.

After my surprise proposal we had a mini celebration with the Radebe family. Although it was meant to be an engagement celebration I couldnt help feeling like it also became a celebration for Buyelekhaya. We spent the better part of the night with everyone imagining how he would have been like. Everyone had their own version of how they imagined him. It was quite funny to see and to listen to their stories, but the common factor in all their stories was that he would have been loved, he would have been crazy too since this family is crazy, but most importantly he would have been an amazing man being raised by an amazing man.

After sleeping for about two hours we got up in the morning and helped out with serving breakfast to the relatives who hadn't left yesterday. When we were done we got ready to go back to Durban. Even though Bonsile, Bontle, Mum and I came here together we ended up leaving with different cars. Bontle left with the teenagers in a taxi  Mum got a lift with MaMtolo's sister who lives in Durban. Ita crazy how close everyone has gotten. It's truly a blessing.

Lungelo and I drove to Durban with Muzi and Bonsile. By the time we got there Bontle and the others hadn't arrived. I thought they would be here by now cause they left before us. Muzi dropped Lungelo and I at the house. We got in and I got ready to cook dinner. Lungelo wanted to take a nap so I let him be.

About thirty after we arrived Bontle and her new besties finally arrived. They were loud and so annoying so I told them to go out to the pool. As soon as they exited there was peace. Well for me anyways. I added some more meat to accommodate everyone since teenagers eat like food is going out of fashion.

Mum called and told me she was on her way. Which made me wonder where she had been the whole time cause she and MaMtolo's sister left before us and the kids. I made some snacks for the kids and took them out to the pool. Bontle has always been a friendly person but seeing her get along so well with literally everyone is heartwarming. And the best part about it, now she'll have 'family' when she gets to Joburg, and she'll have friends too since some of her new friends also go to school in Joburg.

I went upstairs and found Lungelo already up and sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand. I got on the bed and laid on his chest.
"The kids are here."
"Yep. You can tell by the noise. Those rascals woke me up." He said pretending to be annoyed.
"They are having fun."
"I can tell. So which ring do you want?" He asked showing me his phone. He was on some jewellery stores website looking at engagement rings.
"Weren't you supposed to do that before you proposed." He chuckled.
"Well better late than never. So pick one."
"We are engaged, you should wear an engagement ring."
"Nope. I dont need an engagement ring to know that."
"If you say so. But think about it."
"I will, but it's not necessary. Have you found out anything about the car?"
"Yeah, the car was a rental, and the person who rented it gave the rental place fake details. The only thing real about it was his photo so all we have now is a face. Khanya has sent the picture to some people to help find the person. So hopefully we will get him soon."
"I hope so."
"Dont worry. It will be over soon."

I sighed and fell asleep on his chest. It's crazy how relaxing things can be once you realize you dont need to fight every battle by yourself.



I hate driving long distances. But ke we are Africans and we have a zillion homes. We have no choice but to drive from one home to the next. And driving from Richard's Bay to Joburg can be a drag. We got to Joburg just before eight in the evening. Even though we left early we ended up getting here late because my dear wife likes to stop anywhere and everywhere, either to eat or take pictures. Even the kids were getting restless, but luckily for us we got home safe and sound.

I got home and checked my emails. There was nothing urgent there except an email from the Department of Justice. I guess they are feeling the heat since we upped the lawsuit. Well I'll just let them stew a bit. I switched on my burner phone and a pile of messages came in one after the other. I opened them and all of them were from the same person, Bruno. I called him back and he picked up in no time.

"Brazzo, ubuyile? (You're back?)"
"Yeah, zkhiphani (what's going on?)"
"Sure. I found him."
"Where is he?"
"A warehouse downtown."
"Send me the address, I'll be there soon."

He hung up. I got up and picked up my phone and went to the kitchen where Kgomotso was. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she stopped cutting the fruits she was bust with.
"Where to?"
"I have something to sort out."
"Its late Khanya."
"I know Sthandwa sam, I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone."
"Whatever." She picked up the fruits and headed to the lounge.

I knew she'd be pissed but I need to see this guy before I sleep. I have too many questions for him. I'll just have to make it up to Kgomotso later. I went out, got into my car and drove to the location Bruno sent me. I got there and went into the warehouse. Sure enough the guy was sitting on a chair with his hands tied behind his back. Even from far you could tell he has been dealt with a bit.

I walked closer to him. I pulled a chair and sat in front of him. He looked up when he heard the chair screeching on the floor. I didnt think he could see me through his roughed up face and his blue eyes but seeing as he was focused on me, I guess he could see me.

"Bakuphethe kahle laykhaya (are they treating you well?)" I asked looking at him.
"What do you want from me?" He asked through his torn lip and swollen mouth.
"You were in Ntunjambili a few days ago. Why?"
"I dont even know where that is bra yami. Ngyafunga (I swear)."
"There are a few things in the world that are capable of making my blood boil, being lied to is one of them. I'll ask you again, why were you in Ntunjambili?"
"Bra yami mina an......." I punched him in the face before he could even finish his sentence. I guess he is truly loyal to his bosses if he still refuses to talk even after being roughed up so much.

Bruno came in from the other room.
"Brazzo, I didnt hear you come in."
"So even if he had escaped you wouldn't have heard him?"
"Of course not, there are guards outside. Anyways, we wont be needing this guy."
"Has he told you who sent him?"
"No, but I found a guy who works for the Mashile's as a gardener. He overheard the conversation between Paul and this dumbfuck. Apparently Paul ordered this guy to watch the kid for a while then once he's figured out a pattern then he can take her."
"So he was planning on kidnapping her?"
"Yep. So what are we going to do?"
"Send this one to meet his maker, get the gardener to a safe house. He will make a great witness in the custody suit."
"So vele he is fighting for full custody of a grown child, not a baby, a whole teenager that's about to start varsity?"
"I told you that man has a screw loose in his heard."
"So will you tell Biyela about this?"
"No, this one I'll handle myself. Just make sure this one doesnt trace back to me."
"Sure thing."

I got up and left him to finish the job. Paul might be the weakest link in that family because he keeps doing shit that makes him look pathetic and stupid. A part of me wanted to go to his house and confront him about this tonight. But I had to practice some self control and wait for the right time. First things first, I need to make sure the gardener is safe before I make my move. I need to ensure nothing jeopardizes this case.

My phone rang just as I was pulling up the gate to my house. I looked at the caller ID and it was Bonolo. I'm surprised she's still here.
"Khanya, hi. We need to talk."
"About what?"
"The Biyela's. I think they are planning something drastic for my family."
"Okay so what do you need me to do?"
"I need to know if you know anything about that."
"No. But what are you concerned about this. I thought you didnt like your family."
"Maybe not, but they are still family and running is not an option. My family needs me right now."
"So you think you're going to go against Biyela and win?"
"Well, I'm hoping to appeal to his human side."
"Bonolo, this is a dangerous game you're playing. But you're a grown woman do what works for you. But I'll tell you this, nobody goes against Biyela and wins. If you think being here works for you then I wish you all the best of luck, you will need it."

I hung up. This girl is being unnecessarily dense. She thinks Biyela will just let his son's death go just because she asked him? I hope her funeral cover is up to date.

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