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I've never driven like this before. Or maybe I have, I dont remember. It took me about four hours to get from Durban to Joburg. A trip that would take a normal person almost seven hours took me four. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting speeding tickets in the mail soon if any of our roads have cameras.

By the time I got to Joburg the sun had set and darkness had creeped in. I drove straight to Hyde Park. When I got there, loadshedding had hit and the streets were dark, works for me, atleast no one will question me being here with these guys. I called Lindani and told him I was at the gate and he came out with Sizwe. They had to physically push the gate just so I could get in. They closed the gate shut again when I was in.

I parked the car and got out. These two walked towards me when they had closed the gate.
"Hey, man, that was fast." Sizwe said soon as they got to me. We hugged and walked into the house.
"What's with the darkness? Y'all ate the electricity money again?" I asked.
"You know Eskom. Razor and Sbu are busy trying to get the generator up and running." As soon as we walked in the generator kicked in and there was light. I was about to ask what's happening with Philani and Nate when I saw them sitting on the couch.

Nate had a sling on his arm and Philani had a bandage across his shoulder.
"What the heck happened to you?" I sat down on the couch looking at them. Nate groaned as he tried to sit up properly. I didn't understand why they were so calm. These two got shot and they are sitting here so calm.

"We got shot." Philani says like it's a joke.
"I see that. So why are you not doing anything about it? What if someone is after you, after the cartel? Don't you think we need to be planning something?  Anything?"
"Theres no need bro, I mean what can you plan against someone like Bonolo." Philani answers. He cant possibly mean thee Bonolo Mashile. 
"Bonolo as in Bonolo Mashile?"
"The one and only!" Nate says lifting up his whiskey glass. Sizwe and Lindani are standing by the door laughing their asses out. And they have been joined by Razor and Sbu.

"How did Bonolo Mashile shoot you? Does she even know how to use a gun?" I ask.
"She clearly does, they have bullet holes in their bodies." Lindani says chuckling.
"But his house has more holes on the walls, Lando is going to kill him." Sizwe says laughing. So I left my angry fiancee and drove here for a joke?

"So why did I get a message about this shooting if y'all are laughing and joking about it?" I ask half way between pissed and angry.
"I'm sorry about that." Lindani says. "When I got the call from Nate I panicked cause I thought we were under attack, only to find they were playing Fortnite with Bonolo."
"And the worse part, they were hit by stray bullets." Sizwe adds before bursting out laughing. I cant help but join them too. I know Nomonde is mad at me but I'm glad I witnessed this, if anyone would meet me on the street and tell me this story I wouldnt believe it.

"How did Bonolo get into your house? You live in a fortress." I asked after the fits of laughter had died down.
"Well, I got a call from the guards about a car that keeps driving up and down by the house everyday. They couldnt give me answers so I told these idiots so we drove from home and came here. They went out to buy food since Lando and the kids are  home for Christmas. Bonolo shows up, didnt think much of it, we open for her, she says she knows we had something to do with her family's accident. We deny it, next thing we know she has a gun pointed at us, with a silencer to boot. She wants a confession, she doesnt get it, shots go off in every direction. She panics when she sees us bleeding, drops the gun and runs." Wow, this sounds like some scene from a bad American movie.

"So what are you going to do about it? What if she comes back to finish what she started?"
"She's not coming back. We'll just let her bury her mother and brother then teach her about respect." Philani says. Sometimes I think his good heart will be the death of him one day.
"Fine. If she comes back to kill you, dont call me. I'm hungry, what's eatable in this house?" I ask getting up and heading to the kitchen. I find a bunch of takeaways on the counter, I take the first one I come across. Lucky for me its meat and pap. It's cold so I warm it up.

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