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Busani and his cronies are starting to annoy me. Who summons a person at 2 AM and expects them to be in Joburg early in the morning? Mxm. I landed in Joburg and found Philani already waiting for me at the airport. 

"Hey man, thanks for picking me up." We hugged and got into the car.
"No worries man."
"So, why did your father call us?"
"Beats me. That one thinks we are kids, summoning us at will. Shouldnt he be calling bo Lando and Nomonde?"
"Argh man, let's see what he has to say. How do you feel about this whole thing anyway?"
"I don't know. It's sexy seeing Lando be in charge like that but I cant help feeling like this is a bad idea."

We got to Dainfern and Busani welcomed us into his house. We sat in the lounge.
"Gentlemen, I'm glad you came. Now let's discuss a way forward."
"Shouldnt you be discussing this with the new bosses." Philani asks, Busani chuckles.
"Do you have a problem with the decision we made?"
"No." Philani answers.
"I have a question. I understand your decision and why you took it. But you do realise that you just put them in the spotlight? You know how things work in the cartel and any other one for that matter, they dont see women. As far as they are concerned women are weak. And right now with them on the forefront you are inviting a whole lot of enemies who will see them as weak and easy to get rid off." The others nod their head in agreement.

"So you have doubts about your wives capabilities?" This man will not twist my words.
"No. I dont doubt their capabilities. The fact that they've been running things behind the scenes for months now without us even knowing about it shows just how capable they are. But they were better off doing what they do in the background, getting things done without anyone being none the wiser. But if you feel this is best then so be it."
"I'm sensing a bit of jealousy."
"Sense whatever you want. But if anything happens to my wife, even if she comes home with a scratch on her I'll hold you personally responsible." I get up and leave them there. I dont even know why he called us but I dont care. The cartel has new bosses so they must take care of things.

I stand by Philani's car waiting for him. He shows up two minutes later and we drive out.
"So what was that about?"
"I've been thinking about this. I have no problem with the girls running things. I feel like them being in the spotlight will open us up to a lot of enemies trying their luck."
"I know what you mean. But ke we will just have to wait and see how things pan out."
"I guess. So how are things with Lando?" He takes a deep breath and shakes his head a bit.
"I don't know. It turns out she's been doing this for years now and I didn't know a thing. I'm just thinking how much more has she been hiding from me?"
"Come on. It cant be that bad."
"Dont get me wrong I know what Lando cam do. She is a fighter, she works hard and plays harder, but....."
"But you can't help wondering if you can trust her now, and what else she's been hiding?"
"Am I overthinking this?"
"I don't know man. We'll just have to wait this out. You know your father is stubborn, now with his cronies on his side theres nothing much we can do."

We pulled up to club Phoenix and got ourselves a table. We ordered some meat and drinks. The sight of Nyambose walking in there like some peacock sent chills down my spine. He is a known drug dealer. He used to be part of the cartel when it started, things went awry when he tried so hard to get the cartel to deal in drugs. Unfortunately the powers that be wouldnt have any of that. He became an enemy and went his own way. He got to the table and pulled the chair and sat down.

"Biyela." He says looking at Philani. Oh he doesn't know me.
"I hear your wife now wears the pants." He says with a smile on his face. Philani sips his drink and pretends not to hear him. Nyambose chuckles and runs his beard. "And you act like a woman too now. Shame. It must be hard being given orders by a woman. Mele niyochatha man, (you should detox.) You can't be a proper man while taking orders from iyfebe. (Sluts)

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