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The buzzing of my phone on the side table is so loud in the quiet room. Its almost 3AM and I need my rest but this person is reluctant. And if I dont answer the phone it might just end up waking Nomonde up. I pick it up and the brightness of it hits my eyes and makes me close them for a while. I answer the phone and put it in my ear.

"Its 3AM, this better be good." I dont even know who it is but they better not wake me up for shit.
"Money doesnt sleep Radebe." The raspy voice answers. I dont know who it is. And the light is too bright for me to check the caller ID.
"Who is this?"
"You really are asleep." He chuckles and then it clicks. Its Sbu, and the raspy voice was an imitation. This idiot. He forgets I'm older tha him. What happened to respecting ama grootman?
"Sbusiso. Ufunani? Do you ever sleep?"
"Only when its necessary. I have news."
"And it couldnt wait till morning?"
"It could. But I was too excited." I got off the bed carefully and opened the balcony door and walked out.
"Speak. I'm up."
"You'll have a guest soon in your house."
"What guest?"
"Lily is sending some girl to come befriend Nomonde and then steal from you."
"According to their conversation, Lily saw Nomonde's cheque and then decided that Paul and Nqobile are paying her peanuts so she wants the jackpot."
"And how is she planning on getting to the jackpot?" Lily is seriously getting on my last nerve.
"They are planning on stealing the cheque, that's if Nomonde hasn't cashed it yet."
"Stupid idiot. That cheque was just for show. Does she really think in this day and age of technology people still use cheques?"
"That's not all. They said if they cheque has already been cashed then the girl will have to find a way to your safe and steal jewellery and money and any other valuables. To top it off they are planning on the girl seducing you and getting some incriminating pictures to blackmail you with."
"Its time I put an end to this. Lily has gone too far."
"That's true. My fear though is that she'll find out who you are and you know that information could be valuable to the right hands."
"Yeah. Thanks man, now go to sleep." He chuckles. "Wait, how did you find this out?" He laughs.
"I'm Sbu the nerd, I have my ways. Besides there's nothing much happening on the work front so this has kept me a bit busy. Oh and one more thing. Lily and this friend of hers have been doing this scamming for a while now. I'm busy looking  into this friend now. I should have more info by morning."
"Okay. Thanks man. I owe you one."
"Yes you do. And I'm coming to collect." He whispers trying to sound intimidating.

I hang up and go back into the bedroom. I get into bed and pull my wife close to me. She stirs and nestles her head on my shoulder.
"You're cold." She mutters under her breath.
"I know baby. Go to sleep." I kiss the top of her head and hold her close to me. She falls back asleep. I need to put an end to this thing with Lily. I refuse to let her ruin my life.

I wake up the next morning and get breakfast ready for my girl while she gets ready for work. She eats and I drive her to work. I then drive to Richard's Bay. But the time I get there my mum is already prepping for lunch. I find her in the kitchen.
"Hi mummy." I kiss her on the cheek and get an apple from the fridge.
"Hi baby. What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I'm here to take Lily to the doctor." She stops cutting her vegetables and looks at me.
"Her appointment is only tomorrow. Didnt I tell you?"
"It must have slipped my mind. I can still take her today since I'm here already."
"Okay. Hows Nomonde and my grandbaby?"
"They are good. But I'm being starved."
"Dont you have food in your house?"
"Not the forbidden fruit. My hands are getting tired...."
"Voetsek." She throws some green peppers at me and I run out laughing.

I go to the backyard and find Lily sitting there basking in the sun. It must be nice. Plotting and planning must be exhausting.
"Lily." She looks up and smiles.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"I came to take you to the doctor."
"My appointment is tomorrow."
"I know. Mum just told me. But I'm here now and I'm sure the doctor can squeeze us in." She gets up from the lounger, difficult as it might be and stands in front of me.
"Its quite nice of you to want to be involved." I fake a smile.
"Well its my baby right? So its only right I get involved. I wouldn't want to miss out on moments with my child." She throws herself at me and tries to hug me but her big belly is in the way.
"Thank you. This means a lot to me."
"Its nothing. Go get ready so we can go." She walks into the house almost floating on air. She's happy, it wont last though.

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