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Over the years I've learnt the importance of boundaries, knowing what to say and when to say it saved me from a lot of situations while I was in prison, situations that could have got me into a lot of trouble. But knowing how to stay in the shadows and being able to read situations helped me a lot.

Lungelo has been patient with me, although I know he wants to know the truth he hasn't been pushy about it. I know eventually I will have to tell him something, I'm just not sure if I'm ready for it. Or if I'll ever be. Yes we are somewhat close, and he has been a gentleman throughout but he hasn't said anything about his intentions or whatever he hope's to get from all this. I just dont want to jump into conclusions and end up looking like a fool.

Another thing I learnt in prison was the ability to shove feelings and emotions to the back of my mind and pretend like they don't exist but I've also realized that doing that served me well in prison, but I am out now, and I cant continue living in fear and pretending all is well when it isnt. I've been contemplating seeing someone I can talk to about all these buried emotions cause if I am not careful they might just rise in moments when they shouldn't.

My week off that Lungelo gave me ends in three days. So I go back to work on Monday. My mother told me she has a funeral to attend eMlazi but she feared leaving Bontle alone since people might break in if they know she is alone. I thought about going home but I figured Bontle coming here was also a great idea. We could spend the weekend together. And this is Durban, there is plenty to do. We could go to the movies or the beach, or whatever she wants to do.

My mother and Bontle are arriving in Durban in a few minutes. I've been waiting for them at the rank. I cant help the excitement I feel soon as I see them getting off the taxi. I rush to them and give them hugs. After exchanging all the necessary pleasantries Bontle and I walked mum around until we found a taxi going to eMlazi. We waited until the taxi was full and it drove off before we walked over to get a taxi to the flat. We made a decision to pass by a McDonald's and get some dinner since we couldn't decide who should cook.

We bought the food and got into a taxi and went to the flat. When we got in Bonsile was already on her way out. She greeted Bontle and said her goodbyes. We put the burgers and chips on plates and sat down in the lounge. Bontle had already put on a music channel. We finished eating and she showed me the latest dances that were all the rage right now. I didnt even know she could dance like that. Even though I tried, i realised an old person like me had no business dancing to Amapiano when mbhaqanga and soul were available.

We sat up for most of the night catching up. By the time we went to bed it was almost morning. We woke up around six, lame my mother for making this one such an early bird. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast while Bontle made the bed then took a shower. When she was done I took my bath and got dressed. To day we were going to start at the mall and watch a movie then go to the beach for a mini picnic.

We got to the mall and walked around window shopping. I bought my baby some things. Lungelo's extra pay was coming in handy. We were going past an iStore when I noticed Bontle looking at the laptops. I decided to drag her in even though she didnt want to. We looked around and I must admit, these things are expensive. But I also know that my baby will need one for school next year. I'll just have to find a cheaper alternative.

"These laptops are freaken expensive, you could buy a car with the price of one." She whispered to me, making sure the sales assistant doesnt hear her.
"I think you are just buying the name with these. Let's go so these people can stop following us." We linked our hands and walked out.

We went to pick'n'pay and bought some things we'll need for the beach picnic. I paid and we walked out to get a cab to take us to the beach. I saw Lungelo before he could even see me. A part of me thought about hiding from him but Muzi saw me before I could do that. I saw him show Lungelo where I was, and the fact that we were going towards each others direction didnt help matters.

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