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Lobola day has arrived. With just one friend that I have I didnt think it would be this busy. I expected a small intimate crowd but no, my mum invited her friends and their daughters are busy in the kitchen cooking under the watchful eye of Bonsile.

The Radebe's have been outside for almost an hour now and they are still not letting them in. If it were up to me they would have been in and everything would be done by now, but it's not up to me so I'll just have to be stuck in here.

I've been alone in my room for exactly five minutes since this day began. Everyone keeps walking in and out of here like it's a train station. I'm just tired and I want to sleep. Bontle walks in with a bowl of delicious smelling soft porridge. I raise my hands out to her and she laughs and hands me the bowl.

"Thank you baby. How is it going in there?"
"Good. They will let them in soon."
"Good. I want my man." She chuckles while busy with her phone.
"Soon. Very very soon." She answers.
"Can I ask you something. How do you feel about me getting married?" She switches her phone off and looks at me.
"Why do you ask?"
"I'm just asking."
"I think you deserve to be happy, and bab'Lungelo makes you happy. That's all I could ever ask for." I blink away a couple of tears.
"Do you think I'm too nice?"
"Way too nice." She answers without hesitation making me laugh. "But I wouldnt change you for anything in the world."

We sit and chat about anything and everything then she leaves to go check on the progress in the lounge. And as always soon as she leaves one of her friends comes in to keep me company. Se tells me the Radebe's have been let in. Now my nerves flare up. I want this but I cant help being scared. I just want this over and done with. I get called to identify the guests. Soon as I'm done I head back to the bedroom.

Two hours later they are done. I get called in and told the good news. Lungelo and Mbuso join the delegation and they are served with food and drinks. As soon as they are done eating we walk them out and Lungelo promises to come get me the next day. I'm just happy that this day is over and done with. Now all we have to do is the traditional side of things and we can then go to home affairs and just sign. I hope.

I got back in the house and helped clean up in the kitchen and the lounge. My uncle and his guests left and people started trickling out one by one until it was just me, Bonsile, my mum and Bontle left. We sat in the lounge and drank some tea with scones.

"Mum, I have a question, your little boyfriend, did he tell you where he's been all this time?" I asked. I know my dad said where he was and all that but I'm still not sure if that is even true or what. And yesterday I let my hormones get the best of me.
"I dont know and quite frankly i dont care. Ngayehla leyoncola a long time ago. (I let him go)."
"So how come you've never moved on? It's been what, more than thirty years. Dont you think you deserve love too." Bontle asked.
"I have love."
"Kids dont count." Bonsile said.
"I never said anything about kids either." Hold up. What the heck is that supposed to mean?
"Mum, what does that mean?"
"It means I am an adult woman, and I have needs. You seriously think I've spent this whole time holding a torch for a man, child, how stupid do you think I am." She answered and sipped her tea like she didnt just drop an entire nuclear bomb on us.

In all my life I've never seen mum with a man, just the few men around the community that she would greet and kept it moving. But now the plot thickens, your girl might just have a stepfather lurking somewhere in the world. Question is who is he?

"Yeah I think I'm too young to be hearing any of this so I'm out." Bontle said as she got up and took her cup to the kitchen before heading to her room.
"So mum, who is this man that's been scratching your itch." This feels wrong to even say.
"Maybe one of these days you'll meet him." Wow. I wonder if he is the only one and he's been patient all this time or there's been break ups and make ups.

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