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I envy women with easy pregnancies. Some women are lucky to not have any morning sickness, fatigue or any of the horniness I've experienced. I am officially three months pregnant. Crazy as it may sound, right now it feels real.

Christmas is two weeks away, work is officially closed for the year now all I have to do is go Christmas shopping before the malls get too crowded, not that they arent halfway there already. I've already booked Lungelo for the day since he's been a bit busy. It's the festive season and clubs are getting busier.

I woke up very early and got my daily dose of morning glory before getting into the shower. I was dressed and ready in fifteen minutes. I just wanted to get this done before I got tired. I woke Lungelo up who was busy grumbling.

"Baby wake up, we have to go." He grunted and took the pillow to cover his face. "Baby come on." I pulled the duvet cover from him and came face to face with mini Bhungane, well not that he is mini but you know what I mean. Men and their morning erections, little Bhungane was looking right up at me just begging for me to take him into the warmth of my mouth. I swear I could see some glossy puppy eyes just staring back at me saying 'take me please'.

I kept swallowing and trying to calm myself down I didnt even notice Lungelo staring at me from under the pillow with a smirk on his face.
"He's all yours baby, you can take him." He said bringing me out of my dirty dreams.
"Get up, we need to go before it gets busy." I tried to look straight at his eyes and not be distracted by his dick.
"But I am up baby." He says pointing to his dick.

My mind is telling me No, but my body is telling me yes.
"Baby ungazncishi sthandwa sam, thata ukudla kwakho. (Dont deny yourself my love, take it.)" He runs his hand on the top of his dick and I'm pretty sure whatever taps that get turned on when we're horny are on full blast right now. I'm sure if I wasn't wearing any underwear my juices would be dripping down my legs by now.

Oh fuck it, malls aren't going anywhere. I lift my dress up and get on top of him. I shift my I underwear to the side and put him inside me. That alone brings so much relief to me, I feel like someone getting a drop of water after being in the desert for weeks with nothing to eat or drink. I close my eyes and just savor the moment. I move up and down while he lays there with his arms behind his head and just lets me lead. I find that sexy though. As much as I know he is a man and they are leaders it feels good to just initiate and lead our sex life sometimes.

I feel my orgasm come and I keep going with my walls crumbling inside me. I carry on till I feel him cum and spill his seeds all over my insides. Before I can even do anything else he lifts me off the bed and carrys me to the shower. He goes in with me still in my dress getting me wet. I guess I'll have to change now.

When we are done showering we get dressed and head out to the mall. Lucky for us we aren't too late, the mall is still not too busy. We head to checkers and he gets the trolley, he gets the wipes and sanitizes the trolley before we go in. I get overwhelmed just seeing all the decorations and everything that's there. This is my first Christmas with my family in fifteen years so I really just want it to be perfect.

First things first, choice assorted. And lucky for me they are right by the door. I take three boxes and load them in the trolley. We go around the shop filling the trolley up with all that I need. I'm super excited to be honest. When the trolley is full Lungelo goes and brings another one. We fill that one up too. When everything on my list has been ticked off we go and pay. And as usual this man refuses for me to pay, until I convince him to pay for one trolley and I'll pay for the other one. He reluctantly agrees.

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