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I hate living like this. It reminds me of prison. Constantly having people watching over you and being next to you at every turn is just crazy. I probably should be used to it but this just gives me a bit of PTSD. Damn whoever was driving that car that day. And Damn whoever sent them.

It's been a week since that person showed. And it's been a week since mum, Bontle and I have been together at Lungelo's place. As much as it's fun being with them I can tell mum is getting a bit restless. She's so used to being up and down doing something for herself that being stuck in one place is draining.

Lungelo picked me up from work and we've been sitting outside the gate in his car for almost an hour now. I feel like a teenager being dropped off by my boyfriend. I dont know why he wont go in. It's his house after all. But at the same time I like the respect he gives my mum.

"Still no clue on what's happening with that car?"
"Well the car was a rental. The person who rented it gave the rental place a fake license and ID. But Khanya is following up on it. We should have a clue soon."
"Okay. I just hope it's very soon cause I'm tired of these guards, they remind me of prison." He took my hand in his and kissed it.
"It will be over soon. I promise."
"I know." He looked at his watch and I remembered he has to drive to Richard's Bay for his son's ceremony.

Yesterday they drove to Joburg armed with a court order allowing them to exhume CJ's body and bring him home. I can tell he's a bit down about it. But then again who wouldn't. Tomorrow they are officially burying him with his people. As much as I wish I could be there for him I dont think it would be a good idea since it's just a small thing with his immediate family.

"What time are you driving to Richard's Bay?"
"In a couple of hours. Muzi has to finish up some work and then we'll drive together."
"I'm sorry I cant be there with you."
"Its okay. Besides, you will be safer here until we find the person following you around."
"Yeah. I think you need to go and take a nap before the drive. I dont wa t ypu driving tired." He chuckles and brings me in for a hug.
"Yes ma'am." He lets go and looks at me with a smile on his face. "I love you."
"I love you too."

I kissed him and got out of the car and went into the yard. He drove off soon as he was sure I was safely inside. I got to the house and found mum and Bontle in the lounge watching Skeem Saam. I joined them.

"You need to start packing." Mum says with her eyes still glued to the tv. I look at her and I look at Bontle and they are both looking at the TV.
"Who's packing and where are they going?"
"You need to pack. We've already packed we are just waiting for a car to come pick us up."
"Again, why are we packing and where are we going?"
"We are going to Richard's Bay. MaMtolo called earlier and said she is sending a car to come pick us up and take us there." Okay I know mum and MaMtolo speak from time to time but I didnt think they were so close that they would invite each other to intimate family gatherings.
"You do know there's a family thing going on right?"
"I know, and I tried explaining that to her but she says since we'll be family soon we might as well get to know each other and this will be the perfect time for that."
"So you and .............." Bontle cuts me off.
"Mum, don't waste your time and energy. These two wont listen to anyone. They've made a decision and we just gave to do what they say." She says.
"I'm pretty sure Lungelo doesnt know about this."
"And he wont  know cause you wont tell him. MaMtolo made that pretty clear. So go pack."

I got up and went upstairs. I got in the shower and took my bath. I got out and sat on the bed trying to figure out if I should call Lungelo and warn him. I looked around for my phone so I can call him but I couldnt find it. I'm pretty sure I brought it up with me. Or maybe I imagined that.

I took out a small overnight bag and packed a few things. I wore a midi skirt with a tshirt. Even though it was hot I had to debate with my head on whether I should put on a headscarf or not. But I'm not really married to him so I dont have to play the Makoti part right?

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