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"Maybe this was a bad idea."
"What was a bad idea?" Bonolo asks her brother. It's been almost half an hour of him repeating the same words over and over again while pacing up and down the lounge.
"This was seriously a bad idea." He keeps saying. Bonolo takes the glass of wine she was sipping on and throws at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He shouts at her.
"If you're not going to tell me what's going on then just sit down and stop pacing, you're making me dizzy." He wipes his face and takes a seat.

"So what's going on?"
"I was with Odom earlier at Tasha's, Busani and some guy showed up."
"Okay, so what's the big deal, Busani doesnt bite."
"That man is dangerous Bonolo. I didnt realize it until he was sitting in front of me. From afar he looks like any normal old person, but up close, he's just......."
"He is what?"
"There is something dangerous about him. When he came to our table he seemed calm and chilled but when Odom mentioned his son it was like he became a demon right in front of us. His eyes were breathing fire. And when he said we shouldn't have poked a snake in its hole I knew we are in deep shit." Bonolo sits down next to her brother. Fear gripping her.

"What are we going to do?"
"Nothing. I told Odom we are out." She turns to look at him.
"You cant be serious. How are we supposed to find out what happened to mum and Lesego? This was our only chance to avenge them."
"I'm done avenging anyone Bonolo. Lesego and mum were grown adults who knew exactly what they were doing. Whatever happened to them was a result of their own actions. I have three children I need to raise. I've already missed out on Bontle's life, I'm not going to do the same to Prince and Princess." Bonolo stands up and looks at her brother with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Do you think mum and Lesego would have given up if it was you lying in a grave? Really Paul."
"I guess we'll never know."
"Bonolo, weren't you the one working overtime to make sure we all paid for our sins, especially to Nomonde. So why do you care now? Mum and Lesego have paid for their sins, we all have, now it's time to let things go."
"I wanted them to pay yes, by going to jail not dying."
"Yeah well, they are dead now. We cant turn back the hands of time. Mina I'm done. If you want to continue doing this, go ahead. Mine I'm done."
"So you're okay with a dangerous man like Lungelo being a part of your daughters life?"
"You're a lawyer, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?"
"Mxm." She throws herself on the couch just as Prince and Princess come running in followed by Nomonde. They hug their dad and greet their aunt.

"Look what Aunt Monde got us." Prince says emptying the bags in his hands to show reveal several video games.
"Nice. So when do we get to play?" His father asks.
"I'll go set up." He grabs his games and runs upstairs.
"So what did you get?" Bonolo asks Princess.
She takes out her new pink headphones and a shiny pink microphone.
"Okay. I guess Beyonce has competition now." She smiles and rushes upstairs. "Thank you. They seem happy." Paul says.
"I'm glad. I hope you don't mind, I got them takeaways."
"Of course not. Saves me the trouble of cooking tonight. Thank you." Paul answers.
"Anytime. I also wanted to ask if they can come visit when schools close? Mum misses them."
"No." Bonolo says and stands up. "We are taking the kids on vacation, you know, they've been through a lot. We just want them to have a bit of fun." Paul looks at his sister questions filling his mind. No matter how old he might be he knows they did not speak about any vacation. But he cant say that in front of Nomonde. His sister will have to give him answers later.
"Dad, it's ready. Come." Prince shouts from the top of the stairs.
"Ok. I'll be right back." Paul rushes up the stairs to play with his son.

"I take it the vacation story was a now thing." Nomonde says soon as Paul is out of earshot.
"Excuse me!"
"You just made the whole vacation story up. Why? Dont you want the kids to spend time with their grandmother?"
"I have no idea what you are on about. We've been planning the trip for a while now." Nomonde chuckles.
"Right. Anyways, I'm not sure if I've said this before, but thank you for all you did to prove my innocence. I owe you a lot. You didnt have to do it."
"The biggest mistake I've ever made." She mumbles to herself.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing. I was just doing the right thing."
"Right. I should get going. I'll go say goodbye to the kids."
"Tell me something, your new husband, How close is he to Bontle?"
"They are pretty close. Why?"
"Are you okay with a man like that being so close to your child?"
"A man like what?"
"A man like him. Dangerous." Nomonde chuckles.
"Lungelo? Dangerous? Those are two words you can never put in the same sentence."
"You can protect him all you want, but it's a matter of time before the world knows exactly what he is capable of."
"If you say so. I'll go say goodbye to the kids." She leaves Bonolo standing there and goes upstairs. She says goodbye to the kids and leave.

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