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Guilt eats me up seeing my mother so hurt. Bab'Zwane might have been full of secrets and all but she loved him. And right now she is in pain and it's all my fault. I keep wiping tears from her eyes. The fact that I put them there hurts. Even though I was following orders it still doesnt make it any less hurtful.

For once in my life I'm glad my mum and Bab'Zwane were not married. As we speak right now we are sitting in the lounge with his family. I'm not even sure why we are here cause this isn't his even his house. Lungelo, Muzi and MaMtolo are here too. Bontle has been serving these rude people. My poor baby is also hurt for my mothers sake.

"We need to know what happened to him." His brother says. "There is no way he can just die nje."
"Did the police not tell you what happened?" Muzi asks.
"What was he doing at that warehouse anyway?" His daughter who's been eyeing the house since she got here asks.
"Unfortunately that's something only he can answer. And he is not here to answer for himself so we cant give you those answers." Lungelo answers her.
"Fine. We know he wasn't married to her so we would like to have all his stuff." His daughter says. His son nods next to her.

"We've packed his clothes so you can have those." They look at each other, the daughter shakes her head.
"What do you take us for? What about his house?" I swear this girl is here to test me. For her sake I hope she is not talking about this house. Cause if she is, shit will hit the fan.
"Which house are you talking about exactly?" I ask. This is the only thing I've said since they got here.
"This house!" The son says pointing his finger to the floor. I laugh. Mum, as hurt as she is, is looking at her like she just popped all over the floor.

"Which house are you talking about?" My mom asks. I can see the fire burning in her eyes and for their sake, I hope who ever speaks next will have to count their words carefully.
"You heard us, this house." His brother reiterates. Mum chuckles.
"This house? You must be drunk. This is my house. My daughter bought me this house. Your brother had a house eMlazi. If you want to lay claim on anything it's that house. If there is nothing better you can talk about ngcela ningphumele. (Please leave.)"
"We are not leaving here until we get what we need."
"I think you've heard what mama said, you can leave now." Lungelo says so calmly. They get up.

"We better not see you at the funeral." The brother says. Lungelo and Muzi stand up and face them.
"We will be there. And there is nothing you can do about it." Muzi says. They follow each other out and leave with Lungelo and Muzi on their tail. I get up and go to the backyard when my phone rings. I pick it up.

"Hi, Nomonde Mashile?" That name brings back so many bad memories.
"Can I help you?"
"I need confirmation that you are Nomonde Mashile." The woman says.
"Fine. I am Nomonde. What can I do for you." I'm getting impatient right now.
"Ok. I am calling from the Women's prison in Johannesburg. Its about your sister Amanda."
"Is she okay?"
"She tried to commit suicide a couple of days ago. We are letting you know so you can come see her. Shes been admitted to the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital."
"Is she okay?"
"She will be. Shs lost a lot of blood but a guard was able to get to her in time. She's had a  blood transfusion so she'll be Okay."
"Thank you for letting me know." She hangs up.

I sink down on the small chair. Who have I become? I havent seen my sister in months and now she just tried to off herself. My mother is mourning her lovers death that I caused. I haven't checked on Princess and Prince in so long. Is this really the person I want to be? I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly wipe the tears away.

"Baby. What's wrong?" He comes and crouches in front of me with his hands on my knees. "Baby tell me what's wrong?" I can hear the concern in his voice. I shake my head with the tears flowing freely from my eyes. He helps me stand and then engulfs me in a hug.
"It's going to be Okay baby?" He says rubbing my back. Instead of feeling better I cry harder. No matter how many times I try to justify what I did, I took someone's life. It was easy when all I had to do is make threats here and there but taking a life, that's just something else. I thought it would be easy, or maybe it would have been if it was someone I didn't know. But I knew him, mum loved him and I took that from her.

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