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Who knew my life would be this eventful. After Lungelo left us there and went to the bedroom MaMtolo told Nqobile to leave, of course she was reluctant but this tsunami of a woman literally dragged her out with her bare hands. Remind me to never get on her bad side.

She came back from throwing her out and found me and Bontle still stuck on the same spot she left us in.

"Yes mantombazane." She said with her hands on her hips looking at us.
"I'll go finish up cooking." Bontle said then ran off to the kitchen leaving me with her. I opened my mouth to say something to her but I didnt know what to say.
"I'll go check on Lungelo." I quickly turned and ran up the stairs. I could here her chuckling a bit.

I got to the bedroom and found Lungelo sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, facing the floor. He looked defeated. I guess I would be too if I found out I had a son and now he is dead. I sat down next to him and put my arm across his back.

"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked.
"Well, I was going to ask you if you're okay but it just seemed like a stupid question." He lifted his head up and looked at me with a fake smile on his face.
"She really has changed. Or maybe this has always been her, I just ignored these parts of her cause I loved her."
"You need to talk to her and get to the bottom of this. If this child really is yours then you need to do right by him."
"He's dead Nomonde."
"Yeah but we're Africans Lungelo, we have rituals and ceremonies we do even for the dead. Maybe he isn't at peace wherever he is because he's probably buried away from his blood. You need to bring him home."
"I can't. Right now I'm so angry at Nqobile spending any more time with her, I might just end up strangling the life out of her."
"You don't have to do it yourself. You have family, brothers who would be more than happy to do this for you. But you do have to talk to her and get to the bottom of this." He sighed and laid his head on my lap.

I kissed the side of his head and we sat there in silence for a while. I felt my thigh getting wet and I knew he was crying. Even though he was trying hard to hide it, I was glad he wasn't keeping it all in. I decided to just be there. I know I can't solve this for him and heal his heart, so maybe just being here is enough.

I got a text from Bontle telling me dinner was ready. I told Lungelo and he quickly went to the bathroom to wash his face. I decided to change quickly out of my work clothes then we headed down to have dinner. We sat down around the table. MaMtolo held out her hands for us to say grace, she prayed then we dug in. Bontle really knows how to cook, but then again what did I expect, she was raised by uMaGumede herself.

"So, Lungelo, arent you going to introduce me to your guests." MaMtolo said. I looked at Lungelo and he had a smile on his face. It was quite sweet, even though his smile didnt make it to his eyes but it was something.
"Well this is not how I was planning to do this but you came unannounced."
"I didnt realize I had to make an appointment to see my son. Besides, you dont have a wife so I'm still the lady of this house." She sipped her wine and I could feel her eyes on me.
"Baby, do you agree?" Lungelo asked putting me dead in the middle of the spot. I looked at his mother and she was hiding a smile but I could tell she was enjoying my discomfort.
"Yes, I agree."
"I dont. Ma, this is my girlfriend Nomonde and this is our daughter BontlebaModimo." He said our daughter. Not my daughter, OUR, it took a whole lot of self control for me to not let the tears fall. Tears of joy that is.
"I'm glad to hear that. Cause I was ready to kill you." She said.
"Why?" Lungelo asked and to be honest i was curious too.
"When I came in and saw her cooking, I thought she was your girlfriend."
"Ma, she's a child."
"I know. That's why I was ready to kill you. But I'm glad I had nothing to worry about. I'm happy to meet you both."
"Thank you."

Dinner went pretty good, if I say so myself. MaMtolo seems like a sweet and kind human being. She loves to laugh and she doesnt seem like the judgemental, usual mother in law. I pray she never changes.

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