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Someone needs to pray for Khanya, it seems he is getting old. I told him I was coming to pick him up and the idiot left before I got to his office. And now I have to drive back to the house. Mxm. What a waste of petrol.

I got back to his house and found his car parked in the driveway. I got in the house and found him in the lounge laughing and joking with Nomonde.
"Really? You couldnt wait for me?"
"You were slow mosi. I told you you drive like an old lady."
"Mxm." I just shook my head and tried to sit down next to Monde, instead my idiot brother decided to push me out the way and sit next to Nomonde. All she could do was laugh. "Manje."
"Go sit that side. I sat here first." Its true what they say, women mature faster than men but I can safely say there is zero hope for my brother. I decided to let him 'win.' I sat on the other couch looking at him sitting there.

Kgomotso came down and looked at us then just shook her head and sat down.
"Manje, what's going on?"
"Ask your husband." I crossed my arms on my chest and stared at him. He looked at me then looked at his wife who was also staring at him.
"Dont look at me like that, this is my house, I will sit wherever I want next to whoever I want."
"Mxm, you need prayer wena." I answered.
"The kids are on their way back so I was thinking we can go out for dinner." Kgomotso said.
"Works for me. Lungelo is paying anyways." Khanya said with his eyes glued on his phone. This man thinks I'm made of money.
"You're the lawyer with money, dinner is on you. Besides, I'm a guest laykhaya."
"I'll ask MaMtolo if you are really a guest here." Kgomotso muttered.
"Hawu I was joking, dont ask her that. She'll kill me." We laughed.

As much as we've always known that my brothers house is also my house my mother made sure to remind us that we should respect that home as much as we would like to have out own houses respected. And Kgomotso has made sure to never make us feel like unwelcome visitors, but if my mother had to hear me call myself a guest in my brothers house she would be mad. It's a Radebe home yes, but we always need to respect it and its main ownership.

Zethu and Bontle came in laughing and giggling. They greeted and hugged us. And their first stop was Nomonde's ring, before they broke out in loud screams. I had to close my ears for a moment and their screams were enough to get Khanya off the couch.

"This is beautiful, you have great taste." Bontle said looking at me.
"I try."
"Yeah shem, you tried. Its perfect though." Zethu said. This one thinks I'm old fashioned and way too strict. But in my defense, you can never be too strict when it comes to girls, especially in South Africa.
"Now that we are here, can we all go to dinner." Kgomotso said.
"Ok, we'll go change." The girls quickly rushed upstairs.

Soon as Bontle stood up I rushed to sit next to Nomonde.
"Dont ever let my brother sit next to you." I whispered to her.
"Because he is an idiot. He might turn you into one." She laughed. My brother threw a cushion at me.
"I heard that."

The Bontle and Zethu came down after about thirty minutes with Zweli and and Akhizwe, Khanya's twin boys. The girls and I together with Monde got into my car and the boys went with Khanya and Kgomotso. We got to the restaurant and were led to a huge table. I guess Kgomotso made the booking before hand cause the table had a reserved sign on it.

We sat down and made our orders. We had our dinner with laughter and jokes all around. It felt good. It was even noce to see Nomonde loosen up around Khanya, I know she respects him as my brother but I also want her to be free around my family.

Halfway through dinner I noticed she became quiet. Her eyes kept going to someone who was sitting on a table across the room. It was a guy. And I could he had also noticed her cause he kept stealing glances at her. I wonder what's going on.

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