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Twenty four hours later I made it to my home. My safe haven, for now. The bus took forever to get to Durban, and by the time it got here in the evening the taxis going home to Ntunjambili were already finished. So I had no choice but to wait for morning so I can get one. It took a lot for me to convince the security at the bus station to let me stay there until the morning. I didnt care much for my stuff to be stolen cause I didnt have much to begin with. I put the little money I had in my bra, put on my Jersey and sat down on the concrete and waited for morning.

I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I know I should be used to the cold but I've never had to sleep on the floor in jail, the blankets weren't the warmest but they were something. Plus the bars kept us somewhat safe.

The sun eventually came up. I wasnt even sure what time it was cause I didnt even have something as simple as a watch. I walked around the bus station looking for a filling station so I can clean myself up before going home but I found none. I walked to the taxi rank and found a taxi to Ntunjambili with just a couple of people inside. I paid, got in and sat down, saying a silent prayer that my body odour wouldn't give in just yet.

I was finally able to get some sleep in the taxi while waiting for it to fill up. I woke up when I heard someone banging the door. I looked around and it was finally full. The driver got in and began the more than two hours drive back home.

We got to Ntunjambili and by the time the taxi got to my stop there were two of us inside. I got down and the sun was blazing hot, I could feel it burning my head. I took my Jersey and put it on my head so it covers my scalp and shoulders so they dont get burnt. I started my ten minutes walk to my mother's house. 

I stood by the gate and looked at my home. I could see some of the neighbours getting out of their houses to see who I was. Thank God for my Jersey cause i don't think they could tell it was me. I opened the gate and walked up to the door. It was closed. I knocked for a while but there was no response. I knocked for a while until a neighbour shouted that MaGumede wasnt home.

I thanked her and sat down on the stoop. I was tired and hungry, but I wasn't about to go knocking on the neighbors doors, these people are nosy as hell and I dont have the energy to explain myself to them. I saw a kid walking by with a bucket of ice blocks on his head and some scones in another bucket. I called out to him and he stopped and I went over to him. I took my last ten rand and bought an ice block and a couple of scones. I guess this will have to hold me till my mother gets back from wherever.

I went back to sit on the stoop. I saw a couple of women walking by and I thought they were just passing by but they opened the gate and walked towards me. Oh God, why cant they just leave me alone.

"Sawubona sisi (hello)" they said soon as they got close enough.
"Yebo sanibonani." I said not lifting my head to look at them. Lucky for me my Jersey was still covering me just fine.
"Hhay sisi besithi sihlole nje ukuthi uright na. (We just wanted to see if you're okay.)"
"Ngiright, ngyabonga (I'm fine thank you.)"
"Kepha wena sisi sizothi uwbani (what's your name?)"
"Angsimuntu (I'm nobody). Niyazi ukuthi uMaGumede uyephi? (do you know where MaGumede is?)"
"Useskoleni uthengisa khona. Uzobuya kungekudala (she's at the school where she sells, she'll be back soon.)" I nodded my head hoping they would just leave but they stood there like some naughty children wanting to ask something they didnt know how to ask.

"Sisi, ngabe uyindodakazi kaMaGumede? Are you MaGumede's daughter?)" One of them mastered enough courage to ask.
"Cha, bangthume kuye, angmazi yena (no, I dont know her. They sent me to her.)"
"Oh, Hhay, kulungile ke sisi, uMaGumede uzobuya kungekudala. (Oh, it's okay, MaGumede will be back soon.) Anyways, bye bye."
"Bye!" I watched them walk away whispering between themselves. Some people are brave.

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