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I’m anxious. It’s been a while since Lungelo left. I’m not sure where he is or what’s going on cause even his phone is off. I’ve been trying to call him but nothing. I’ve even tried to call Philani but even that has been a dead end.

It’s been hours and still no word from him. I know Nate and the others are here already but there’s also been no communication from any of them. And if I call them no one answers. I even called Lando and she’s just as clueless as I am. Now I wish we hadn’t given up on the cartel, maybe then we would be getting updates at every second. Heck we’d be the one in the forefront of this whole thing, but it’s better this way. There’s a lot more at stake on my side anyway.

I got off the bed at the crack of dawn and sat outside the balcony watching the sun rise. It’s beautiful no doubt but it’s hard to pay attention to it when I’m worried about Lungelo. I hear Iminathi making some cooing sounds through the baby monitor, I guess that’s the distraction I need. I get up from the chair and go to her room. She’s not there, obviously. I go to Bontle’s room and they are both here. Although big sis is still sleeping she has her arm protectively over little sis. Blessings right?

I quietly free her from Bontles arm and take her downstairs to make her her bottle. As soon as I’m done feeding her she does what she does best, crawl to every corner of this house. She’s getting so big so fast. I try and call again and still no reply. I decide to put my phone on private and call Sbu. He picks up immediately.

“Hello!” He answers. He sounds a bit tired, which worries me even more.
“Sbusiso, don’t hang up.” He sighs.
“Madam, what’s with the private number?”
“Well none of you is answering my calls so, a girl has to make a plan. Have you heard anything yet?”
“Not yet. Philani’s tracker was taken off early yesterday, Lungelo’s was removed in the evening.”
“So you can’t find them?” My heart sinks. I was hoping he’d tell me they found them and they are at least in hospital, but nothing.
“Not yet. But we are trying to access Lungelo’s other tracker. Hopefully they are both in the same place. But don’t worry, we will find them.”
“For your sake I hope you’re right.” He chuckles.
“You know me. I always keep my promises. I’ll bring him back in one piece.”
“Okay, please keep me updated, and answer my calls.”
“Definitely. Let me get back to work.”

Calling Sbu should have eased my mind a bit, instead it just made me a lot more anxious. I didn’t even know Lungelo had a tracker, but I guess it’s coming in handy now. I decided to make breakfast for mum and Bontle just to keep myself busy. I wanted to do a full English breakfast but I ended up settling for soft porridge. Imi went back to sleep and I put her back in her crib.

I’m not even sure what to do with myself, going to work will be a waste of time, but I still need to show my face. I took a bath and got ready for work. By the time I was done Bontle and mum were already downstairs.

“Hey nana, you don’t look okay, what’s wrong?” Mum asked soon as she saw me.
“Argh, I didn’t sleep very well but I’ll be fine.”
“Uphi umkhwenyana? (Where is my son in law?)”
“He left early, he has some things to do at the club.”
“Okay. Have some food before you leave.”
“No, I’m okay. I fed Imi earlier before she went back to sleep but she’ll be up soon.”
“Nomonde, I know how to take care of my grand baby, go to work, we will be fine.” I sighed and said my goodbyes.

As soon as I walked out of the house there was an entire army in my yard. I stopped and looked around and I could see they probably had been briefed about being here but I wasn’t. And now I have to let mum know too so she doesn’t have a heart attack when she walks out of here. I took a step back and one of the men walked closer to me.

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