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Maharaj is beginning to get on my nerves. He wont let his little investigation go, even though he still hasn't found anything connecting me to Shadow. It's cute that he even felt the need to follow up with whatever Lily told him. But now he has been investigating a kidnapping case. Apparently I kidnapped her and took her child. Well technically speaking I did but he doesn't know that.

I've tried to dot as much of my I's and crossed my t's. Hopefully it will be enough to get Maharaj off my back. I'm meeting the guys at some secret location where Busani directed me to. He sent a driver to pick me up. That meant dodging these idiots that have been watching me twenty four hours. I drove my car and parked it opposite the taxi rank. I locked it and walked towards the restaurant. Of course Maharaj's people were on my tail. Lucky for me there was some commotion happening in the rank, there were people fighting and a crowd had gathered around. I got in the middle of the crowd and some guy held my hand. When I looked at him he gave me a jacket and a cowboy hat. I quickly took off the jacket I was wearing and handed it to him. He was almost the same height as me. He put the jacket on just as Maharaj's men got close. He walked out of the crowd and i noticed a couple of people following him. I guess they thought it was me. Now I know Busani had something to do with this little distraction here. I must give it to him, even in his old age he still got it.

Just as the other guy disappeared among the taxis another one tapped me on the shoulder and signaled for me to follow him. With my new jacket and cowboy hat on I followed him. He led me to a taxi and I got in. He was driving the taxi. I sat at the back and watched the taxi fill up. When it was full he drove out. Just as we were driving out I saw Maharaj's men still on the other guys tail. Idiots.

The tax drove out without raising suspicion. Why would a taxi full of people even be suspected of transporting a criminal? The taxi goes on it's normal route. Its going to KwaMashu. The driver drops people off along the way. When he is done with his drop offs he drives to KwaMashu M section. He drives past a truck shop, crosses the road and there are homes on either side of the road. There is a river flowing just a few meters behind some of the houses. He stops in front of a red brick house. From the outside it looks like a normal family home. But knowing Busani, it's anything but that.

I get off and walk towards the gate. The taxi drives off. I pull the gate and get in then pull it back to its place. The grass here is green, and there are flowers on the perimeter of the wall fence. It really looks like a normal home. I walk to the door and knock. The door opens and the man himself is standing on the other side.

"Ntshangase." I greet and hold my hand out for a handshake. He takes it. He doesnt seem too pleased. I cant blame him. One thing the cartel cant afford is having law enforcement looking, even if it's just one of us. This whole organization is like a four legged table. If one leg breaks it's easy for the table to come tumbling down, so we have to make sure all the legs are always stable and working right.
"Bhungane. Come in." He turns and walks away, I follow him. The house looks like a four roomed house. The lounge is not too big but it's not small either. It's big enough for this house. He takes a seat on the couch.

"So, what's been happening?" He asks and grabs a bottle of whiskey from the floor. He points with his head to the kitchen. I get up and go get myself a glass and come sit back down. He pours the whiskey then hands it to me. He knows what's happening, but Busani can get on daddy mode sometimes. I dont know how many times he's scolded me for doing something wrong even if it had nothing to do with the cartel, and right now it feels like one of those moments.

"I'm listening?" He says and takes a sip of his drink.
"Its nothing. I'll sort it out." He chuckles.
"You're becoming sloppy Lungelo. Why is that?" He stares at me and it feels like I'm staring at my father. That man was scary but kind and loving. I guess that's one of the reasons I got so close to Busani. He reminded me of my dad.
"Sloppy, in what way?"
"The police are looking into you."
"That can happen to anyone." I answer defensively.
"Not to you. Do you know why you've lasted so long in the cartel? Because you're thorough in what you do. You never leave even a scrap of evidence. You've been to countless places in the world carrying out work, different disguises, different aliases, and not once have you ever drawn any attention to you. Not once have the cops ever even had a sniff of your presence in whatever you did. That's why you are the Shadow Assassin. You never announce yourself and your actions. You do you and disappear. Twenty years, twenty years and we've never had to worry about you. You find love and all of a sudden you become sloppy and go announcing your business like its the lotto draw. Is love making you weak? Is it distracting you? Cause if that's the case we can get it out of the way."

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