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Lando and Buli dropped me off at home. We had decided not to tell the guys about what we did. I know men like Lungelo have way too much pride and they wont ask for help. So we will let them be and just watch them try to figure this out all on their own. One thing I'm grateful for is that I can rest easy now knowing he wont be going to jail.

When he told me about what they did to Lily, for a moment I felt bad for her. I'm sure it must have been hell waking up to find your baby gone. I dont know how I would have felt if that was me. I probably would have died. I was busy trying to convince him to give her her baby back, the punishment was too severe, yes she tried to do what she did and even steal from us but that is nothing compared to her losing her child. That's a pain no woman should ever have to face.

I guess my opinion changed when Lungelo told me he suspects Lily to be the one who set Maharaj on him. Her pain, I understood, but trying to get him arrested I dont. All she had to do was apologize for her part in all this and maybe she would have been led to her child. I guess now we'll never know if her apology would have led her to her baby.

A few days ago Lungelo was stressing out about this thing, even spending time with Imi became a chore. If he wasnt on the phone with Philani and the others he was talking to Khanya trying to get him to have this investigation stopped. I called Lando and told her about my fears. We ended up in a conference call with Buli. We decided to do something about this once and for all.

Lando got in touch with Gcina, she is Razor's girlfriend and she is a nurse. When I asked Lungelo about Lily he told me he told the cops she was at some hospital the last time he saw her. The problem with that little lie was that Maharaj would definitely look into it. And if there was no patient file or any proof that she was there, hell would break loose.

Gcina connected us to some nurse she went to school with. A couple of days ago we contacted her and told her what we needed, a patient file. Nothing more. The security cameras were just a stroke of luck, on the day Lily left the Radebe residence with Lungelo, the hospital was doing a routine upgrade on its security cameras, so those were off on that day. Talk about stars aligning.

China's contact filled in the file and got a doctor to sign it too. Today Buli found out Maharaj had a court order to find Lily's patient file, he did and he found it. Of course it's fake but he doesnt know that. Right now I'm just waiting for Buli to confirm with her contact that the investigation has been dropped.

I walk into the house and mum is in the kitchen with Imi on her back. The advantage of her being close by, shes always ready to babysit. I walk to the kitchen and give her a perk on the cheek before kissing my baby. Shes five minutes to sleeping, that's the magic of a mothers back.

"Hi ma."
"Hi baby. I'm glad you're home. Your husband is in a mood."
"Really? What happened?"
"Beats me. Go check on him. I'll put Imi down for her nap."
"Ok, thank you ma." I leave her and go to the study. Lungelo is on the phone speaking to someone. I push the door and find him pacing up and down.

"Hey." He quickly turns to look at me.
"I'll call you back." He hangs up with his eyes glaring at me like I did something wrong. "Where have you been?"
"Work. Where else would I be?" I walk into the room until I'm close enough to him. The look on his face, I've never seen it before. It's like a mixture of fear, anger and nerves. This thing is really taking its toll on him.

"I went to the office earlier to pick you up for lunch. I couldnt get through to your phone so I went to the receptionist. She told me you took the day off. Which is rather weird cause I dropped you off this morning."
"Something came up that I had to take care off. Dont worry about it." I lift myself up and sit on his desk with my legs swinging back and forth.
"What came up?" He asks crossing his arms on his chest.
"Something. What's happening with Maharaj? Have you found a solution yet?" I know he is upset right now and me ignoring his questions might make him angry, but I didnt send him to piss anyone off so his anger will be his own to deal with.

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