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First days at anything are daunting and sometimes stressful. But not today, not for me. I'm more excited than stressed. Although I know it might take a while for me to get the hang of everything but the fact that I'm here now, ready to do a job that I love, that I studied for. It feels like a dream.

I came back from home two days ago. If mum wasnt looking at me some type of way cause of Lungelo then she would be praying and fasting for me. Ever since I told her about this new job she's been consistent with her prayers and fasts, not that she was ever inconsistent. I've heard people say that their mother's or grandmother's prayers still carry them long after they have left the earth, but I see it now, my mums prayers are carrying me every single day of my life and I dont know if I'll ever have enough Thank you's for God. But I doubt it.

I've been sitting in Lungelo's car for about ten minutes now, outside Hlophe's office building. He seems to have done well for himself. And from the looks of it, he'll be a great mentor during my transition back to my career path.

Work starts at nine, and right now it's still eight thirty. But I think I should be there atleast ten minutes before. That's why I had to drag Lungelo to get up early. He slept at my place last night. Since Bonsile moved out the flat is now mine. Although she volunteered to pay for her half of the rent for the next three months I'm glad to have a space of my own. And now Bontle can visit anytime she wants. I look down at my suit and remove some invisible stains or whatever dirt I think is there.

"You look perfect." I turned up to look at him and he had a huge smile on his face, a contagious smile, I smiled too.
"I should be scared right?"
"No. Your excitement is actually refreshing. And I know for a fact you will do great."
"I hope so."
"Don't stress. If Hlophe gives you any trouble, call me and I'll deal with him." I laughed a little. I wish I had someone like him in my corner when I was in prison, could have dealt quite nicely with the bullies in there.

I said my goodbyes and got out of the car. I took one last deep breath and walked towards the building. As soon as I walked through the huge sliding doors I felt an overwhelming sense of..... I wasn't sure what it was but I liked it, it felt good. I walked towards the huge desk written reception behind it in huge bold letters.

"Hi, I'm here to see Mr Hlophe." The lady behind the desk looked up at me and smiled. Her smile was warm and welcoming.
"Hi, you must be Nomonde, he's expecting you. Take the lift to the top floor." She pointed me towards the lift. I wasnt nervous before, but now my entire insides were in a knot. With every step I took it felt real.

I got into the lift and the doors closed. I said a silent little prayer as I went up. The doors pinged signaling the end of my little journey. I got out and walked into a peaceful, serene calm hallway. It almost didnt feel like an office space but a hotel. It was a beautifully decorated place with art all over the walls. Classy, and modern. There were three doors and the names on the doors made me realize this was the executive floor.

I walked towards Hlophe's office and knocked. I heard a faint come in command from the inside. I turned the door knob and walked in. His office was huge. The mahogany cupboards filled with books and the matching desk gave a sense of power. From the looks of this man and his office, he looks like he is a powerful individual, but how does Lungelo call him, no command him at the click of a finger and he comes running?

"Nomonde. I'm glad you're here." He said getting up from his chair. He shook my hand and his power was unmissable.
"I'm glad to be here."
"I was expecting you to be here two weeks ago, but Radebe convinced me to wait. And now I'm glad the wait is over."
"Thank you. For this opportunity too."
"You're smart. I'm pretty sure you will make a great addition to the team. Come let's go meet the others."

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