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I hate being sick. The past week alone I've been throwing up and having dizzy spells. Today it got a bit too hectic so my boss sent me home. I know I should go to a doctor to figure out what's going on but the dizziness and nausea comes and goes so maybe it's not that serious.

I requested an uber and went home. I got home and found Lungelo's car in the driveway. It thought he'd be out and about checking on his businesses but nope, he's home. All I want is to get into bed and just sleep, but now I'll have to explain to Lungelo why I'm home early.

I got into the house and called out for him but I got no response. I got myself a bottle of cold water in the fridge then put some ice in a glass and went upstairs. I put the glass and bottle on the side table and took my clothes off. I put my pyjamas on and went to the bathroom. I was hoping Lungelo would be there but he wasnt. Oh well, works for me, now I can just sleep in peace. I peed and got into bed. I took my phone and called my mum.

"MaGumede. How are you?"
"I'm good. When is my baby coming home, I miss her."
"I miss her too, but she seems to be having fun in Joburg."
"I know. She calls me ever night. It's crazy how grown she is, but its nice for her enjoy life."
"True. So I have news. I got a message from Amanda saying she wants to see me."
"Oh, why? Are you going to see her?"
"I already went to see her. She signed over her parental rights to me." She was silent for a while and I knew she was confused.
"What does that mean?"
"It means she gave me her kids. She wants me to raise them."
"Wow. Okay. So when are you going to get them?"
"I dont know ma, I don't think Paul will just hand them over like that. I mean he is busy fighting for custody of Bontle, I doubt he'll just hand over his kids to me."
"That's true. It would be nice to meet them though."
"I know. I cant believe Amanda really didnt see a need for her children to know her side of the family."
"She was clearly ashamed of us, or me to be precise." I could hear a ping of hurt in her voice. And if there ever was one thing I dont think I'll ever forgive Amanda for, its hurting our mother.
"Ma, dont say that, you're a great mother, there is nothing to be ashamed of."
"Yeah, but I'm not educated like y'all, so maybe she didnt want her kids knowing about their stupid grandmother."
"Ma dont ever say that. Okay? Please just dont. Amanda had her own issues and they have nothing to do with you. Her actions say nothing about you and everything about her. You're an amazing mother, Bontle is the biggest proof of that." She sighed and I know no matter how many times I say it, convincing her that she is the best mother will be an uphill battle when her other child is determined to prove otherwise. "Look, I will see if I cant appeal to Paul's human side and see if he can't allow the kids to visit, even for just a few hours."
"That would be nice. Thank you. Are you on lunch?"
"No, I'm home. I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous lately so I just need some rest."
"Mhmmm." That mhm is loaded with so many questions and statements.
"Nothing. Congratulations."
"For what?"
"For my new grandbaby of course. Take care of yourself." She hung up before I could even reply. Shem, if she thinks there is a bun in this oven she can think again. I turned over on the bed and before long I was fast asleep.

I woke up to something heavy on my waist. I looked behind me and Lungelo was back and sleeping behind me. I quietly turned to look at him. He pulled me to him and we were so close I could feel his breath on my face. He opened his one eye and frowned looking at me.

"You're up." He said then opened his other eye.
"Yep. When did you get back?"
"About an hour ago, why are you home early?"
"I wasn't feeling too good. My mother seems to think I'm pregnant." A smile formed on his face.
"You know old people and always assuming. I take it your never told her."
"I couldnt. If I'd told her I got my tubes tied I'd have to tell her why, and that would mean...."
"Telling her everything that happened in prison."
"Yeah. And I don't think I'm ready for that conversation yet."
"Understandable. But you will have to tell her eventually."
"I know."

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