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I’ve been sitting here watching my friend bleed to death. I can’t even check his pulse because my hands are tied behind my back. I’m numb, I did this, Paul might have pulled the trigger but I did this. I should have killed him when I had a chance, I should have done what needed to be done, but I didn’t, and now I’m here watching my friend bleed to death. I’m not worried about Imi, even though Paul says he will kill her too I know by now Nate and the others have already organised security for her and her mother.

I drag myself close enough to him, with my hands behind my back I try to check for his pulse. I have to do it with my back to him and it’s hard. I feel his arm and it’s warm. My heart starts racing, he is still alive. Now I need to get him out of here and get him to a hospital ASAP.

The door opens and someone walks in. I can’t see them properly because it’s dark but they have a candle with them and it gives me a chance to see them when they get close. It’s one of Paul’s guys. He has the candle in one hand and a plate on the other. He seems almost scared to be there. But he comes in anyway. He sets the plate down next to me together with the candle. He looks over at Philani and I can see pity in his eyes.

“Here’s some good, eat.”
“How?” I ask and shrug trying to show him my tied up hands. He sighs and reaches into his pocket, takes out a pocket knife and comes behind me. He cuts the cable ties. I rub my wrists trying to ease the irritation of the cable ties. He takes another cable tie and ties around my wrists from the front. “Thanks.” He smiles and takes one more look at Philani before he walks out.

This food is like prison food, but I’m starving so I have no choice but to eat. It’s rice and boiled chicken. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t even have salt. Mxm. I turn around and check on Philani, he is still warm which means he is still alive, I check his pulse and it’s faint but it’s there. I place my hands over the candle fire and burn the cable tie. It takes a while but it’s plastic, eventually it falls off.

Now that I’m free I get the chance to check on Philani properly. He has lost a lot of blood and if he loses anymore he might just end up dead. I take of my T-shirt and put it on the wound to stop the bleeding. I get up from the floor, with the spoon in my hand and go to the door. It’s locked. I hear footsteps coming towards the room. I quickly blow the candle off and rush back to the door. I stand behind it with the spoon, I’m not sure what damage it will do but I have hope.

The key turns and the door opens wide. The person walks in and goes forward, they push the door to close. I quickly pull the key out of the key hole, close the door and lock it. He turns and tries to get his gun but I get to him first and we get into a scuffle. I over power him and take the gun. He tries to shout but I shove the gun in his mouth. I can’t see who it is but I’m sure it’s the guy that was here earlier.

“Now listen to me, I will pull the trigger, no questions asked, but for now you will help me and my friend get out of here. Are we clear?” He has a hard time answering so I pull the gun out a bit.
“That’s not going to happen. There’s a whole army outside. You won’t get through.”
That’s fine. I have my own army. Give me your phone.” He takes the phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. It’s an iPhone. Perfect. He puts in the password and I dial Sbu’s number.

“I have insurance so if that’s what you’re selling hang up now.” Trust Sbusiso to say something like that.
“Yes, it’s me. Trace this number and hurry up, Philani has been shot, he needs a hospital as in like yesterday.”
“What? Okay, okay........” he keeps saying okay okay and I can hear the keyboard clicking like crazy.
“You do know it’s likely by the time they get here you will be dead.” The man says. He is beginning to irritate me. I hit him with the back of the gun and he falls on the floor and passes out.

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