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I dont think I'll ever be able to understand the weird cravings women get when they are pregnant. I mean who in their right mind eats bread, acthar, avocado, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, ulusu, spinach, cheese and a dash of peri peri sauce. I feel like throwing up just looking at it.

I swear my daughter is driving her mother crazy. I've been sitting here looking at my soft porridge, two spoons later I can't even take more of it because of this mess that Nomonde is eating. She takes a bit of her weird sandwich and I swear she just had a foodgasm.

I figured since I wont finish my porridge I might as well throw it away. I took the bowl and emptied the porridge into the bin. I washed the bowl and put it away. Usually Nomonde likes to make small conversation even when she is eating but she has been ignoring me. At first I thought maybe it was simply because she was just hungry but then I remembered even last night she was a bit cold.

I decided to leave her since she was in no mood to talk. I kissed her on the top of her head and went to the office to get some work done early then maybe by the time I'm done she'll be better. I got my burner phone from the safe and switched it on. There was a message from the Philani's burner phone. Vladimir was watching everyone, all their houses had been bugged so they had to keep a low profile.

I took out my other laptop from the safe and went through Vladimir's file. The man was a trigger happy idiot who thinks he can control everyone. He honestly thinks he can take on the cartel and win. Many before him have tried and failed. And he honestly thinks he'll be the one to take us down. If Bushiri hadn't left the country I would have personally paid for him to be prayed for. I'm not sure if that would work but it would be worth a try right.

Since he likes to party so much it would be easy to take him out. All I would need is a bottle of water or any of his mixers. He's Russian so I'm pretty sure he drinks vodka mostly. Vodka is clear so it would be easy to give him the poison. Plus it's clear and has no ordor. It will be perfect. All I need to do now is find out where he might be and strike.

I texted Sbu and asked him to check out Vladimir's favourite places. The Phoenix lounge is probably one of those since he is watching the crew, but it wouldn't make sense for me to be there. I need him at my club. That way I can get easy access to him without being questioned.

Sbu texted me back and told me about the places Vladimir likes to go to. And lucky for me my club was one of them. Well there are only three clubs really, there's a gentleman's club he likes then the Phoenix lounge for obvious reasons and then my club. I texted Sbu and told him to make sure that if he shows up tonight they shouldn't let him in. If I'm lucky he might just do a detour and head to my club. I booked the first flight I could get to Joburg. I got my Russo-Baltique Vodka fromt the cabinet and put it on the desk. I need to go to the restaurant to get the poison before I head to the airport.

When I was done talking to Sbu I switched my phone off and put it back in the safe. I put the laptop back too and then headed out to the lounge. Nomonde wasn't there so I went upstairs. I found her sitting on the vanity lotioning herself.

"Hey, listen I know we're supposed to spend the day together but I have to go to Joburg for some work stuff." I said going into the shower. I took a quick one and got out. I walked back into the bedroom and Nomonde was still in the same place I left her at. I pulled up an ottoman and sat next to her. "Babe, is everything okay? Why are you so quiet?" She closed her lotion and turned to look at me.
"When did we start lying to each other?"
"Where were you the night you said you went to the club?" Her eyes were looking straight at me.
"I was at the club. I told you that."
"Are you sure?" A part of me thought about keeping with the lie but my mother taught me one thing, when a woman asks you something and then asks you if you're sure about your answer then chances are she already knows the truth. So lying would be a waste of time.
"Okay, I wasn't at the club. And it's not what you're thinking."
"You read minds now?" I know I should be shaking in my boots right now and putting out this fire that I started but I kind of find this whole thing sexy.

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