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I am anxious and excited all at the same time. Khanya has finally applied for my criminal record to be expunged. Now that the case has officially been re-opened and Amanda confessed, it means I can get my life back. And to be honest it still feels like a dream. I didnt think that things would work out so quickly for me. I mean its barely been a year since I came put of prison and things are looking up. I guess ita true what mama always says 'when the time is right, the Lord will make a way.' And boy has he come through, he didnt just make a way he made an entire highway.

Today I am going home. I havent spent time with my family for a while so I decided this week will be family time. Plus I just got paid for this month Andy account hasn't seen this much money in a long while. So I decided I will treat my mum daughter to a bit of a shopping spree.

I packed up my things soon as the clock hit three o'clock. It's time to go home. I'm super excited. I said goodbye to my colleagues and made my way out to the parking lot. As usual Lungelo was already waiting next to his car. I walk over to him and he hugs me. He smells divine.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" I ask as I pull out of the hug.
"The Joy's of being a businessman, I can be wherever, whenever. You ready to go?"
"Yep. I cant wait to see Bontle and my mum." He takes my laptop bag and puts it in the boot before opening the door for me to get in. He gets in and we drive off. In my head I thought we were going home but it seems he had other ideas. We drove into a mall and he parked.

"What are we doing here?"
"You can't go home empty handed babe." He gets off the car and I follow suit. Every day I learn something new about him, and recently i learnt he is stubborn. I figured it's useless even arguing with him so I get out of the car and follow him. We get to pick n pay and he starts filling up the trolley.

"That's a bit too much dont you think?" I ask as he throws two 5kg chicken portions into the trolley. In my head I'm already calculating how much all this will cost, but I figure I will leave somethings at the till. Yes I got paid but I still need to stick to the budget. He keeps adding anything and everything he can find. It's quite weird and funny at the same time cause he keeps adding things that arent necessarily basic essentials. Instead he adds snacks and sweets, cheese, polony and cereals. Well those are essentials but still.

We get to the tills and I start taking out the basics cause I'm not about to spend on unnecessary things just because, not yet anyway. Soon as my life is back on track I'll he able to spoil my mum and daughter with anything and everything they want. As soon as I am sure I've taken everything I can pay for he takes the rest of the things and gives them to the cashier to scan. And my protests fall on dead ears cause even the cashier has stopped listening to me, her focus is now on Lungelo. She is crushing hard. I decide to step aside and let them be. Everything gets up to five thousand and he pays.

We walk out to the parking and he packs everything in the boot. We go back to the mall and head to Mr Price. I'm pretty sure Mr Price doesnt have his style of clothing but ke let's see. He goes past the men's section and heads to the shoe section, women's shoes even. I'm in a mild state of shock really cause right now I am just an observer. He takes a pair of boots and looks at their sizes till he gets the size he wants.

"Ok so when did you start wearing women's boots?" He laughs.
"These arent mine babe, they are Bontle's."
"Wait what?" I'm not sure how I feel about this.
"Yeah, she said she likes them so I'm getting them for her." We go to the pay points to pay and along the way he picks some more things. He pays and we leave. We get into the car and off we go.

We get home and it's already dark. We unload everything into the house and mums side eyes aren't missed at all. Lungelo says his goodbyes and I walk him out.

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