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Spending the weekend with my family was all I needed. I got back to work the following week ready for just about anything. I got to work and found Bonsile already there. I greeted and went to change, I locked my stuff in the locker and went back to the front. I joined Bonsile at the bar and helped her dry the glasses.

"So how was your weekend?" She asked.
"Perfect. After the drama with Amanda I needed to be with my family."
"Good, I'm happy for you. Although Lungelo seemed to be moody since tou weren't here."
"Why would he be moody, I've been here for less than a month." I wasnt sure if this sudden mood she is talking about was good or bad. I just hope I wont lose my job because of it.
"You really are blind arent you? The man has a crush on you. I mean he has started spending more time in the club than before. He used to come here twice a month at most and now he is here almost everyday, and the only thing that has changed, you joined the team." I laughed.
"Come on, you mind is on a fast train to nowhere Sweety."
"If you say so. And speaking of which......." she said looking at the entrance. I turned to see what had caught her attention and it was Lungelo.

He walked in with a guy who looked almost like him. They walked past us and greeted before going up to the office. I did notice the guy smiling at Bonsile though. I looked at her and she had a smile plastered on her face as she watched them go up the stairs. I waved my hand in front of her and she blinked before looking back at me.

"Speaking of crushes, who is he?" She blushed and continued working.
"That is his brother. Muzi Radebe."
"You have a crush on him, dont you?"
"Well not a crush per say, we are in a relationship, although no one knows about it." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Why not? If you too live each other then what's the problem?"
"Well, his wife died a year and a half ago. We started seeing each other six months after so he thinks it's too soon for people to know about us because of that."
"So you have to stay hidden like some sort of a mistress?" She shrugged her shoulders but I could see she was hurt.

The bar phone rang and I picked it up.
"Monde can I please have a six pack of Heineken in the office please. And some food from the kitchen." He said before hanging up. I looked at the phone before putting it back in its place. How did he even know I would answer the phone? And what food does he want.

I took the alcohol and put it in the ice bucket then filled it with ice. I took it upstairs to the office. I knocked and heard him say come in. I walked in and he was seated with his brother and Thulani discussing something. I placed the bucket on the table.

"Thank you. Welcome back by the way." He said and opened a bottle of beer.
"Thank you. You didnt tell me what food you want."
"Surprise me." He said with a smile. I must admit he has a beautiful smile. With a single dimple on his right cheek.
"As long as it's got chilli." His brother said.  I smiled and walked out. I went back to the bar.

"If you want this guy to take your relationship seriously you need to make him realize that you are not the type of person to be hidden. If he really loves you he shouldn't be afraid of what other people say." I told Bonsile.

I walked to the kitchen and ordered a dozen peri peri wings, wors and some steak with chips, pap and chakalaka on the side. I went back to the bar and started working. Since Bonsile had started the early shift she would knock off earlier than me so I had to prepare myself to man the bar alone after she's gone. Hopefully Thulani will be in hand to help.

Soon as the food was ready I took it upstairs. I handed them the food and went back downstairs. People were starting to flock in. Lucky for me it was midweek so I'm pretty sure it wont be busy, but then again this is Durban.


By the time my shift finished I felt like my feet had needles pricking them everytime I took a step. We cleaned cause we didnt want to come in too early tomorrow. I went to the locker rooms to get my stuff while everyone was already on their way out. Thulani and Lungelo came down the stairs after cashing up. I walked out and almost had a heart attack when I couldn't find the staff transport. They left me. How the hell am I supposed to get home now? I dont even have the number for a cab.

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