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It's been a week since Lily went to Richard's Bay. A week of peace and quiet. Last night she had contractions and mum rushed her to the hospital but it turned out to be false contractions, the doctor called them Braxton hicks, apparently they are practice contractions preparing her for the big finale. The way she was screaming when mum called me I wonder what the real contractions will be like. I just pray Nomonde has easier ones, if theres even such a thing.

I just dropped Nomonde off at work before heading to the traffic department to make an appointment for her to take the learners test. She needs her license in like yesterday. Her car is gathering dust in the garage. I set the appointment and it was two weeks away. Perfect, now we can start studying for the test.

My phone rang as I was driving into the house. I looked at the caller ID and it was Sbu. I picked up.
"Where are you?"
"I'm good how are you?"
"Mxm, you sound like my ex girlfriend." He answers with his mouth full. He must be eating something.
"Now I understand why she is your ex. Have you found anything on Lily?"
"This is why I was asking where you are."
"I'm at my house."
"No you not. I'm in your kitchen and you're not here." What the fuck.
"How did you get in my house?"
"That's beside the point. Hurry up. I have news." He hangs up. I get out of my car and go into the house and sure enough he is in the kitchen with a huge ass sandwich in front of him.
"Why did you break into my house?"
"I didnt break in, I got in."
"I have my ways. Sit down. I have some juicy news for you. I even flew down here to see the look on your face when i tell you." Okay. This seems serious. I hope he's not fucking with me. I take a seat and look at him.

"Speak!" He takes a drink of the whiskey in front of him. Who in their right mind drinks whiskey with a sandwich. When he is done he burps. Mannerless bastard.
"Right. So your potential baby mama was in the Eastern Cape. She told Sandile Shezi that the baby was his."
"Sandile Shezi?"
"Yeah, the KZN MEC, he gave her money to have an abortion. She faked her medical records and gave them to him as proof that she had the abortion. Soon after that she got out of town and stayed away until a month ago when she came back to Durban."
"Why did she come back?"
"For you. Her phone records show that she's been communicating with your ex wife."
"The one and only. And according to Nqobile's call records, she has been in contact with Paul Mashile."
"Hold up. So you telling me Paul has a hand in this?"
"I can bet my life on it. The week before Lily came back to Durban Paul and Nqobile were in the Eastern Cape. Same guesthouse and all. Theres CCTV footage from the guesthouse showing them there together."
"I cant believe this. I saved that motherfucker only for him to try and screw me over. What is their end game in all this? I have nothing that either of them would want."
"Actually I beg to differ. Nqobile is divorced and now she wants to get back with you. Paul on the other hand feels guilty about doing what he did and I guess he feels like Nomonde and Bontle would have forgiven him if it wasnt for you standing in the way. He's looking to bring everyone together including Amanda. If you and Nomonde break up it gives both of them a chance to get back with you. Nqobile gets you and Paul gets his original family."
"Amanda is in jail?" He cant possibly be thinking about breaking her out. But then again this is Paul, he seems to have a mind of his own.
"My sources tell me he is planning on stealing the evidence and the docket so when she appears in court the prosecution will have nothing."
"Automatically letting her go."
"Do you think the child Lily is carrying is mine?"
"I doubt it. They say that a mother always knows the father of her child and my guess is Sandile is the father. I mean Lily went to him and didnt bother coming to you which means she also knows the baby is not yours."

I sigh and pop my knuckles. I need to think about what I'm going to do with this new information. I knew Lily was up to something but I didn't think she'd be this vile. I mean passing off one mans child to another like some toy, did she even think about the childs life, his heritage and legacy? What if his ancestors are the aggressive type that will make the child sick because he's not using his biological surname? Sometimes we do things and not even think about the future and the consequences. But one thing that's going to happen, Lily and her buddies will pay for this.

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