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These girls are taking too long to wake up. I need them up so we can finish what we started. I still need to go to Joburg to deal with Paul. He is not going to get away with this. He will pay.

I left the guys in the lounge and went to check on Lily in the makeshift hospital room. She was still out. I was about to walk back out when Nate walked in to check on her too.
"Do you think she'll wake up?"
"She will. It's not like we did anything to her other than take the baby out."
"I guess. I cant believe she really let greed lead her here. Who the fuck uses a child like that. I would die if Nomonde would do that. Nqobile already pawned my child off to another man so I dont understand how some women's minds work." I shake my head and lean on the small table watching him check her cut and stitches.
"And you forgave Nqobile for that. Now Lily shows up and tries to pull the same stunt on you. No thought whatsoever for the poor child and his future."
"I should have gone Shadow Assassin on her and wiped her ass off the face of the earth."
"Come on. You're better than that. We've done what needs to be done. And now she'll spend the rest of her life paying for this. Now we just need to take care of the other two."

We walked out and headed to the other room. Bianca and Nqobile were still out. I dont have time to wait for them. I need them to wake up so I can get to work and then head to Joburg. My phone rang.

"Bhungane. Where are you?"
"I'm in Richards Bay, listen I dont think I'll make it there back in time to pick you up."
"Dont worry about it, I'll get an uber."
"No, I'll send a driver or ask Muzi to pick you up. You're carrying precious cargo, I need to know you're safe." She chuckles and I know there's an eyeroll too.
"If you're overprotective now, imagine when she's here. My poor baby wont even have a boyfriend."
"What boyfriend? That word will be foreign to her. I'll break any boy who even thinks of coming close to her." She laughs making me laugh.
"Okay then Mr Radebe. I'll wait for the driver. So what are you doing in Richards Bay?"
"Dont even think about it." I know what she's thinking and that dream of hers is still at the back of her mind. I cant explain everything to her now but I don't need her overthinking and stressing herself.
"What am I thinking about?"
"That dream of yours. Baby I'm here on business. Nate and Sbu are here and we have some business to sort out."
"Okay." I dont know why that Okay makes my heart rate go up. But if I keep explaining things to her she'll probably start thinking there really is something wrong.
"I love you. And I'll see you soon okay."
"Okay. I'm getting takeaways tonight. So if you want a home cooked meal you'll cook it yourself." I smile and shake my head.
"Dont worry about me. As long as you and Junior are happy then I'm good. Bye."
"I love you too."

I hung up just as Nqobile was waking up. I watched her as she tried to get her bearings. As impatient as I was when they were out, now that she's waking up I need to make sure she never even thinks about trying to hurt Nomonde or worming her way back into my life. If it was just me it wouldn't matter as much, but Nomonde has been through enough, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life making her life as easy as possible. And if that means dealing with the likes of Nqobile and Paul so she doesnt have to then so be it.

Nqobile looks around the room and sees me standing there watching her. She pulls herself up so she's sitting straight up on the bed.
"Lungelo?" Her voice is hoarse and pleading. Unfortunately for her, I'm past the mercy stage.
"You need water?" She nods her head. I go to the kitchen and come back with a bottle of cold water. As soon as I open the door I don't see her. I know she didnt get out because the door was locked. I take a step in and I feel something whack me over the head. While I'm paying attention to mu throbbing head I hear footsteps running out. I thought she was smarter than this.

I hear her scream. The screams get closer until she's thrown on the bed by Nate.
"Did you lose a package?" He asks looking at me try to ease the pain on my head.
"Argh, I knew she wouldnt get away."
"Okay then. I'll be in the lounge." He walks out leaving me with her.
"You're not going to get away with this!" She mutters with tears streaming down her face. "My family and friends will be looking for me."
"I know. And that's what I'm counting on. See your phone is on, it's been on. Sbu is busy with your twitter account as we speak. He is telling the people that you've been kidnapped and the people want a hundred thousand rand reward." Her eyes pop out.
"What games are you trying to play Lungelo?"
"I'm glad you asked. So while your friends and family are busy trying to put together the money for your reward you will be crying for help. As soon as they pay that money it will magically appear in your bank account. And then in a week there will be photos of you partying in a club, photoshopped of course but people wont know that. And then the police who are already searching for you will have you prosecuted for faking a kidnapping and extortion. I know people say our police system is fucked up but, if you accuse a prominent person of being involved in your 'kidnapping' then we are good to go. You'll be in jail by the end of the month."
"Lungelo, please, I'll give you anything. Please don't do this." I take my phone and log on to twitter. I dont have that many followers which works for me because I can spy on the kids in peace. I go to the trends and sure enough, #saveNqobile is trending. I show it to her.

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