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If anyone had to ask me why I slept for less than three hours I probably wouldn't have an answer. Last night, well this morning I knocked off super late or super early depending on how you look at it. We knocked off at three thirty in the morning and I ended up falling asleep a few minutes past four. Its six thirty now and I'm already up. I've been trying to close my eyes and will my body to sleep but I have been failing.

I gave up trying and decided to go clean the house and make breakfast. I first went to the bathroom and washed my face then brushed my teeth. I got to the kitchen and cleaned up before moving to the lounge. By the time I was done I was too tired to make a proper breakfast so I just made soft porridge. I dished up and went to sit in the lounge watching cartoons. I bought free minutes on Vodacom and called my mum. We chatted for a while and then I spoke to Bontle. She was in a jovial mood cause some boy had asked her to be his date to the Matric dance. After speaking to her I said a little prayer thanking God for these two people in my life. He alone knows their faith and prayers kept me through the toughest days of my life.

Bonsile walked in from her room and went straight to the kitchen to dish up. I didnt even know she was home. I thought she'd be with her boyfriend. She came in and sat down on the other couch.

"I thought you'd be with your man." She looked at me and chuckled.
"Well I took your advice. I told him I'm tired of being hidden. Then I gave him an ultimatum, either we let people know we are together or we end things."
"So what did he decide?"
"He tried to make me see "reason" on why it was important to keep our relationship private."
"There is a huge difference between being private and being kept a secret."
"And that's exactly what I told him. No one knows we are together so how is that a 'private' relationship? Mxm, that man thinks he's the only one walking this earth. There are plenty fishes in the sea."
"True, but give him time, maybe he'll come around."
"Yeah well I wont be waiting around for him to come to his senses."

We finished eating and she went to take a shower. Since she was taking the early shift again tonight she had to leave before me. I could feel my eyes getting tired. I set an alarm for two hours later and took a nap on the couch. Hopefully I can get enough rest to keep me up tonight.

I woke up even before the alarm rang. I went to take a shower. I didnt even see Bonsile leaving. I finished bathing and wore my uniform. I was putting on my sneakers when I heard a knock on the door. I hope it's not Bonsile's boyfriend. I left the bedroom and went to open the door. I was surprised to find Lungelo standing in the doorway.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"I came to pick you up." He said walking into the house. He looked around and I'm pretty sure he has never been in a flat this small.
"You do know there are taxis right." I said and he turned and looked at me. He was smiling, and his dimple was visible.
"Well I was in the neighborhood. So I thought I'd give you a lift." I could bet my entire months salary that he is lying, but I decided not to drag his little lie further than it needs to be.
"Okay then. I'll go get my bag." I left him there and went to my room. I combed my short hair and went back to the lounge with my sling bag strapped across my chest. I found him sitting on the couch watching the cartoons. "I'm ready." He got up and switched off the TV.

We walked out and he took the keys from me and locked. He led me down the stairs instead of us taking the elevator. We live on the fifth floor and he expects me to take the stairs. Atleast we are going down and not up.

"So tell me who is Nomonde Mashile." He asked as we went down the stairs.
"Well, what is it that you want to know?" I've never had to tell a stranger who I am before. Not even when I was working have I ever been asked to say who I am. But what's scary now is having to tell someone that I spent the last fifteen years of my life behind bars.
"Everything. You seem like a smart beautiful woman, why are you working in a club?"
"I need the money."
"Come on. That cant be all."
"It is actually." I was getting a bit restless.
"Okay, I'll let it go, for now."

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