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My mum decided to go back home. Although I will miss coming home to her but I know she misses her own house and waling up in her own bed.

I was in the bedroom helping her pack when Bontle walked in. She threw herself on the bed.
"Are you finished packing?" I asked as I folded mum's clothes.
"Sort off. I have a request."
"What is it?" Mum asked.
"So I got a call from Zethu, she invited me to come to Joburg. Since schools are closed for me and her she thinks we should spend some time together."
"Who is Zethu?" Mum questioned. I remember the name, I'm sure it's one of the Radebe kids.
"She's Bab'Khanya's daughter. And Mam'Kgomotso said I can come. Can I go?"

Mum and I looked at each other. I wasnt sure if I saw a smile on mums face or what. I looked at her to answer Bontle's request, but she was also looking at me.
"Mum, say something." I said seeing as she wasnt saying anything.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Can she go or not?"
"She can go I dont mind."
"Gogo, are you sure. If you want me to stay with you I dont mind I'll stay."
"Hhaybo Bontle. At some point you need to hang out with people your own age. Hanging around me all the time will age you." Bontle screamed and hugged my mum before hugging me. She skipped out the room. Mum had a smile on her face.

"When did you become so easy going?"
"I'm not. I just think she needs to spend time with her agemates. She's been stuck with me for way too long."
"True." I sat down next to her and laid my head on her shoulder. "Are you sure you will be Okay by yourself?"
"I will be just fine. Besides I'll have plenty to do. My garden needs attention and now I can give it my undivided attention."
"I'll come up every weekend."
"No you wont. Who'll be spending time with your man? I'm not a child Monde, I can take care of myself. Let's finish packing so I can go to my house. I'm sure it misses me too."

We finished packing and took the bags downstairs. I requested an uber so I can take mum to the taxi rank. My phone beeped and I thought it was the uber but it was just a notification from an online newspaper that I followed. There were a few headlines. But the one that caught my attention was about Paul. Apparently his almost lifeless body was found this morning outside his mothers house. He was rushed to the hospital in a critical condition. Oh well, I guess there might just be another funeral kwaMashile.

The uber arrived. I opened the gate to let him in. He parked outside and Bontle helped me get the bags out. Lungelo pulled up next the uber. He got out and went to the driver. He took out some notes from his wallet and gave them to the driver. The driver got in his car and drove out. Lungelo came to us and took the bags and put them in his boot. Bontle went back into the house to get mum.

"Sawubona Radebe." I could tell he was a bit upset or maybe hurt that I called the uber instead of calling him.
"I'm not talking to you." He put the rest of the bags in the boot and closed it. I wrapped my arms around his waist with my head on his back.
"I thought you were busy. Sorry Sthandwa sam.''
"When have I ever been busy for you?"
"Exactly. Dont ever make assumptions for me Nomonde. If I can't do something I'll tell you."
"Ngyacolisa phela Radebe. Uyangcolela (am I forgiven?)" I felt him smile and rash out behind him. I moved to his front with my arms still around his waist.
"How can I stay mad at this face though. You're way too beautiful for your own good. I love  you MaGumede omncane." I laughed and kissed him.

I heard my mum clear her throat behind Lungelo. Nice. Lungelo opened the door for her and she got in. Bontle and I got in on the other side. We drove home together.

We dropped mum off and then drove back to Durban. We got to the house and got Bontle's bags and drove her to the airport. We saw her off then headed back to the house. Good thing I took the day off from work.

"So when are you moving back home?" I asked soon as we got into the house.
"Right now. Muzi will bring my bags later." He kissed me and carried me up the stairs to the bedroom. We made love all over the room before passing out on the floor.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower so I can cook since it was late already. I finished my shower and wore a mini flowy dress then headed down to the kitchen. My phone beeped. I picked it up and it was a message from an unknown number.

'I hope for your sake you had nothing to do with Paul's attack or else the fifteen years you spent in jail will look like a vacation.'

I didnt know who the message was from but I couldnt help feeling like it was from Lesego. I dont know anyone else who would even threaten me except him. That man thinks he is untouchable. I decided to reply to his message.

'Its a pity he is still alive. I have a few black outfits that would be perfect for the funeral. Let me know when to get them out.' I pressed send and continued with my cooking. Lesego doesnt scare me so he can go burn in hell.



At SunMed hospital in Joburg, Lesego and his mother together with his siblings were sitting and standing next to Paul's bed. He had bandages all over his body and a breathing tube down his throat. There was silence in the room as no one knew what to say really.

Mrs Mashile couldnt stop looking at her son. A part of her was scared. She's already buried one son, is she really going to bury another one? She wasnt sure. But at this point everything was finally sinking in. Although she had no proof she was suspecting that Philani had something to do with this.

The doctor came in with a nurse. He checked Paul's wounds.
"How is he doctor?" Lesego asked.
"Its hard to tell. His wounds are severe. His head is swollen, we have to wait for the swelling to go down so we can check if there is any brain damage." The doctor answered.
"And if there is, what then?" Mrs Mashile.
"Well, until we know for sure if there is damage and its severity, only then can I give a proper diagnosis."
"Thank you doctor." He walked out leaving the family more confused and worried than before.

After visiting hours were over the Mashile's left the hospital. They left a guard outside Paul's door to make sure nothing happens to him. As soon as they left Philani and Sizwe walked up to the guard. They gave him a roll of money. He moved aside and let them in.

Philani and Sizwe walked into the room. They looked at Paul laying there almost dead.
"You really did a number on him."
"I tried. He's a fighter though. I thought he would be dead by now."

Philani took out his phone and took a few photos then sent them to Lungelo.
"Are you sure this wont trace back to Lungelo?"
"Definitely not. I'm sure by now the Mashile's are suspecting us."
"Good. But I think it's time we escalated this whole thing. Lesego and his mother need to be our next priority."
"So no more going up the family tree?"
"No. This is taking too long for my liking. We need to deal with those two direct."
"Works for me. So what's the plan?"
"Start by stripping them off the one thing that makes them think they are untouchable."
"I'll get Sbu on it."

In Durban. Lungelo is in his office when he receives some images from Philani. He opened the images and smiled when he saw Paul laying there with tubes all over him.

He opened his safe and took out a phone that was in there. He switched it on and found a message from the cartel. There was a request for a chemical weapon. Tje great thing about it was that he would get to choose which one he uses, and he immediately made the decision to make the VX weapon.

As much as Lungelo hated his chosen career at first it has worked in his favour. Thanks to his ability to experiment with it, Bio Chemical Engineering put him in places he didnt think he'd ever be in. But now that he was in there he would use that to the best of his abilities. For years he had built up a reputation for being the shadow assassin. That's what everyone called him even though they didnt know it was him. Only Philani and his friends knew.

Lungelo switched off his secret phone and put it back in the safe. He went up to his bedroom and for into bed with Nomonde close to him, looking forward to a brand new day.

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