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I should start teaching yoga cause it seems I've mastered the ability to not let negativity get to me. My encounter with Paul made me realise how much I've grown the last few months. I'm pretty sure therapy had something to do with it, but my determination also had something to do with it. And I'm happy to be quite honest.

Bontle is starting her exams in two weeks. And her school decided to give the matric class the two weeks off just to rest and relax so they can start their exams with a fresh mindset. I'm not worried really, Bontle is a smart girl, I know she will ace her matric and come out with distinctions too. I invited her over to stay with me for the time being. Mum refused to come stay with me cause she thinks I stay with Lungelo, well technically speaking I do spend most of my time at his place. So she decided to go visit her sister in Soweto. I dont mind that cause it means she will rest a bit too.

It's crazy to me really, amazing too, my mum can actually take time off and she wont have to worry about what to eat for the next few days or weeks. God really came through for your girl. And Bonsile's sister will be staying at the house while Bontle and Mum are not there.

I came back from work and packed my things that were at Lungelo's since I cant have Bontle staying here. Yes, Lungelo loves her like his own but, slow and steady wins the race. I decided to cook him supper before I go back to my place. Bontle will be here tomorrow afternoon and thank God it's a weekend so I will be able to pick her up from the taxi rank.

I finished cooking and wrote a note for Lungelo since his phone has been off for the better part of the day. I'm not worried though cause he did say he will be held up for most of the day. I grabbed my bags from the couch and made sure the stove is turned off before walking out. I opened the door and found Lungelo parking his car outside. I waited for him to get out of the car, my uber will be here any moment now.

He got out of the car and walked closer to me with a frown on his face looking at my bags.
"You're leaving?" I might be imagining things but I could have sworn i heard a ping of hurt in his voice.
"Yeah, I told you Bontle is coming over so I have to get the flat ready."
"What's wrong with this house?" I knew he would say this and I was trying hard to avoid it.
"Baby you know I cant stay here with Bontle."
"Why not? The house is big enough for the three of us, she'll have her own room, theres the pool, she'll be able to study in peace, theres wifi for her to do any projects or research and theres security here so you will know she is safe."
"I know that but....."
"But nothing. You know I'm right." We heard the uber hooting at the gate. "Wait here." I knew I was gonna lose this argument. Damn this supper I had to cook, I would have left before he got here. He quickly ran to the gate. I went back into the house and waited for him.

He came back after a while and sat next to me on the couch.
"I take it you've decided to stay." He said with a smug look on his face. I couldn't help but smile.
"Its not like you gave me a choice." He laughed and like the hundred other times he does laugh, it somehow makes me happy to see him happy.
"Good. And I'm sure Bontle will be happy too." He got up and rushed upstairs. I decided to dish up in the meantime.

He came down a few minutes later, showered and changed. We sat on the couch and watched a movie while we ate. We washed the dishes together when we were done before going to sleep.

We woke up the next morning and I got the guestroom ready for Bontle. I got some work done before we had to go pick Bontle up. Is it weird that I love my job so much I dont even mind doing it on the weekend?

Lungelo got up and took a shower then we went to the rank to pick babygirl up. We got there a few minutes before her taxi arrived. I was glad we didnt have to wait that long. Soon as she saw us she came running. She hugged us and we got into the car. We drove to McDonald's and Bontle ordered everything she wanted. And for the first time in a long while she was excited. It's crazy how just being able to order anything off a menu and not look at the price is a luxury to some, and it was to us too, but here we are and my daughter can actually do that without worrying about the price. I've vowed to make it up to her for the past fifteen years when I couldn't offer her that, and I'll spend the rest of my life making sure her life is as soft as I can make it.

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