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Work was amazing today. Even though this pregnancy is getting heavier with each day I actually was floating on air today. It felt like everything was coming together just right. All I wanted was to go home and continue this euphoria I was feeling by getting under my husband's body and feel him all inside me.

I got an uber and drove straight home. I dont need to buy anything today cause I did groceries yesterday. I got home and walked to the door. Sometimes I let the uber drop me off at the gate then walk for about three to five minutes into the house, depending on my pace, and I consider that my exercise for the day.

I get into the house and it's dead quiet. I wonder where MaMtolo is. Usually she's the first person to greet me when I walk through the door. But not today, it should make me sad but all I'm thinking about is more time with Lungelo. Lily is also not in the kitchen finishing my groceries, I just hope wherever MaMtolo is Lily is with her.

I take my shoes off and walk up the stairs barefoot. That's another form of exercise I have to do everyday. As I walk closer to the bedroom I hear some romantic music playing, I smile to myself wondering how he knew this was all I was craving. I slowly open the door and walk in. Theres rose petals all over the floor, small tea light candles light up the room. The huge curtains are close allowing the tealight candles to set the ambience. On top of the bed theres a tray with strawberries on a small bowl and whipped cream on another. There are two glasses of champagne and a bottle in a champagne cooler with ice. Its beautiful.

I get closer and notice the champagne is alcohol free, perfect for me and Bhungane Junior. The strawberries have been half eaten and the champagne bottle is empty. I know a bottle that big couldnt have filled up those two glasses. The music dies down as the song comes to an end. And in its place sounds of someone groaning and moaning feels the empty space. I'm confused as hell right now.

I throw my bag on the couch and shoes on the floor. I walk towards the bathroom and the sounds get muffled by the new song that just came on. I get closer to the bathroom and place my ear on the door trying to listen. I hear the voices again. And this time I know who they belong too.
"Yes baby.... right there.... yes..... you're hitting the spot......yes..." Lily's voice is as clear as daylight. I wonder who she's with and why she thought having sex in my bathroom was okay.

I open the door and I swear the sight before me feels like God has deserted me. Lily has her hands on the tub with her ass up in the air. He has his hands on his waist pumping into her hard and fast. He groans louder with each thrust and there's sweat, or is it steam, running down his spine. I have tears running down my face as my heart gets shredded with each stroke he gives her.

"Lungelo." My voice comes out in a whisper but its loud enough for them to hear me. He let's go of her and quickly turns around.
"Baby, it's not what it looks like." He says. I must be blind then. Lily is standing there with her huge tummy covering her vagina and her boobs covered by her hands. I take a few steps back and then sprint out the room with Lungelo chasing me. I dont know how far he thinks he'll get while naked.

I get out the bedroom and keep running towards the stairs. The tears have filled my eyes so much I cant see clearly in front of me. The more I wipe them the more they fall. I'm not sure what happened, I just felt myself floating on air before hitting the floor and rolling down the stairs. I come to a stop and the pain then hits. My whole entire body is aching. I have cramps on my stomach and its painful. I feel a liquid running down my legs. I hope I didnt pee on myself. I look down and there is blood running down my legs. Oh no, my baby. I try to drag myself up so I can get a phone and call the ambulance but I cant move. Lungelo has his hands pinned on my arms holding me down. Can't he see the blood. I cant lose my baby.

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