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Some of the things on this earth that are a certainty, night will always come no matter how bright the sun shines, the sun will always rise no matter how dark the night is and death will always come, whichever way it can.

Death had visited the Mashile's, it had no intention to show up but Malcolm made certain to open the gates wide open for it to come in. After weeks of shame and not being able to face his family for helping Amanda cover up her sins, not being able to face his party members. He wallowed in his own self pity for so long he had missed the support that many people were sending his way, after being the trending topic on social media for almost a week and being on the news every second day, he had allowed the negativity to drown out the positives.

When everyone had had time to think and digest his choices, many came out in support, many believed in his dreams and ideas that would have steered the country to new directions and his choices on who he chooses to sleep with weren't so much an issue to some. But the people caught up in this scandal with him were not happy that their little secrets had been made public. Some blamed Malcolm, and they vowed to make him pay for it. His wife was seething with anger, divorce lawyers had been called in and ad they say, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'

With all that was being thrown his way, it became too much for Malcolm, so on one fateful night, his wife had taken the children out for supper, he went into his home office, he checked all his funeral policies and life policies to make sure all was in order, lucky for him, or maybe lucky for his wife and kids he had chosen life covers that were unconventional to say the least, they covered him for all the ways that he could die, including suicide. His will was up to date. When he felt everything was the way it was meant to be, he took a bunch of pills and downed them one after the other till there was none left.

Malcolm laid back on his chair waiting for the pills to take effect, but they seemed to be taking too long. He went around the house looking for more pills. He found them and proceeded to take them all. He felt himself getting dizzy and before long he was frothing on the mouth. With no one else in the house, help was too far. Eventually his body gave in, his organs shut down one after the other until his soul left his body.

He laid there lifeless for the whole night with the door locked. His wife wasnt surprised by the locked door as that had been his ritual the past few weeks, even his kids missed their father because even as close as he was, he was still far away from them.

Paul had showed up a couple of days later hoping to speak to his brother. Since Lesego was incapacitated at the moment he needed someone to help him with his custody case, and his brother seemed like the best option. He drove to his brothers house, Malcolm's wife let him in. He got into the house and asked where Malcolm was, he got worried when Malcolm's wife told him she hadn't seen him in two days since he had locked himself up in the study.

Paul knocked on the door over and over again but he got no reply. He decided to break down the door. He called the security guys outside who came in and helped him. They were all shocked when they got in and found him laying there, dead. His pupils were white as snow, the foam that had come out of his mouth had dried up. After letting his family know about the tragedy that had befallen them, Paul was shocked to see the story trending on social media.

The next few days were somber and tedious for Malcolm's wife, as much as she had loved her husband, what he had done, had quickly turned her love into hate. The saying, theres a thin line between love and hate rang true for her. Even though some say love doesnt just disappear, for her, it had gone out the window like a mist in the morning sun.

Mourning wasnt in her plans, although, as the dutiful wife she had to play her part. She sat on the mattress and pretended to be sad everytime a new group of people came in to pay their respects.

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