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"Yewena sdididi." Trust my brother to not even greet. That time I'm with my mother in the car and he feels like throwing insults as a hello.
"Khanya Radebe, ufunani? (what do you want?)"
"Why is there a pregnant woman in your house? And where is your fiancee?" I sigh and try to focus on the road. I can feel my mother's stare boring into my skin. Damn bluetooth.
"My fiancee is at the mall shopping and as for that pregnant woman, you should have asked her yourself what she was doing there."
"Its too early in the day for you to be drunk. Get that woman out of your house."
"I will. I just need to get some information first. She says she's pregnant with my child."
"Amen." He hangs up.

I've tried throughout this whole trip to steer clear of any conversation that will lead me to talking about Lily. I'm just not in the mood for her. I cant believe things got complicated this fast. I know Nomonde might seem like she is okay but deep down I know she's just putting on a front. I have to fix this before it's too late. And Sbu still hasn't come back about any information on her. I need to know where she's been the past few months and why it's taken her this long to even show up here. I might be a sucker for kids but I'm not about to let someone play me.

"Pull up at the garage I need to pee." My mum says. I'm not sure if she is angry at me or what cause she keeps staring at me and not saying anything. We drove to Richard's Bay in silence and now we are driving back and she's still holding back which is unusual for her.
"But mum we stopped less than  an hour ago. Besides we are almost in Durban, cant you hold it?" Bad move on my part. She throws fire daggers at me with her eyes.
"Do you want me to pee in the car?" She snaps. Okay. She's pissed. I pull up to the garage and she gets out of the car. I figure since I have some time alone I might as well call Sbu and hear what he has for me.

"Do you have something for me?"
"Up until seven months ago, yes. From then till now I have no clue. It's like she just dissapeared into thin air. She closed her bank account before she disappeared. From then there is nothing. No trace. Until she showed up at your place."
"And theres nothing in between then and now?"
"Nothing. But if you could get me her phone number, I might be able to trace its location the past few months then we'll know where she's been and who she has been in contact with."
"I have her old number. I'll send you the new one when I get to Durban."
"Where are you?"
"On my way to Durban from Richard's Bay, I'm driving my mum and she keeps staring at me like I'm the one who crucified Jesus on the cross." He laughs.
"I never thought I'd see the day the big bad wolf that you are would be scared of someone, especially an old lady."
"Firstly if she ever hears you calling her old, she'll kill you. Secondly she raised me, I know what she's capable off." He laughs harder making me laugh too. "Listen I have to go, she's coming back. I'll send you the number soon as I get it."
"Sure thing. Later."

I hang up as my mother gets back into the car. I drive and we get to Durban. I help mum with her bags and she walks into the house first. By the time I walk in I notice she is in the kitchen looking around. Probably making sure its clean. I leave her there and head upstairs to put her bags in the bedroom. I put her bags in the bedroom and walk back out. As I walk past the nursery I see Lily in there holding the big teddy bear that I got for my baby.

"What are you doing in here?"
"Oh hey, you're back. This room will be perfect." She says excitedly.
"Perfect for what?"
"Perfect for the baby silly. I think we need to change the pink accents though cause we are having a boy and not a girl." She says looking around the room.
"Okay, let's get somethings straight. This is my daughters room. You will not be using it and I will not be changing anything. And I never want to find you in here again. Are we clear?" She places the teddy bear on the cot and walks towards me. She grabs my arm and puts my hand on her tummy. The baby is moving. It's beautiful.

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