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Bonolo is finally out of Durban. Her little hiatus came to an end and she had to go back home, which works for me cause now I can visit Lungelo without having to run into her.

As much as Lungelo told me he loved me I still havent mastered up enough courage to say it back. Do i care about him? Yes. Am i in love with him? Maybe, i dont know. I care about the man but i dont want to find myself in a position where i am more infatuated with him than i am in love. I want the love to come in its own time. And therapy is helping me get there.

I've moved my sessions to twice a week. But sometimes I feel like that's the same as overdosing on medication with the Hope's of it working faster than normal. At first I thought it might work but I've also realized Inhave way too much baggage to let go off and two sessions help me cope throughout the week.

I finished my second session for the week and headed to the mall to get groceries. I decided to cook Lungelo some dinner just to say that I you for his support. I got a few items from pick n pay then headed out to the parking lot. I called Lungelo and told him I was here and he said he'd come pick me up so now I have to wait for him.

I stood by the mall entrance daydreaming when I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around and found my sister staring at me.

"Creepy much." I said and went back to my phone.
"Creepy is thinking you can dig up information that died a long time ago." She said coming around to stand in front of me.
"Are you really that afraid of me finding the truth or is this your conscience showing itself." She chuckled.
"Dont fallater yourself sis wam. You arent important enough to give me sleepless nights."
"And yet here you are."
"Stop dragging Bonolo into your mess. You know how the family feels about being betrayed. If you're not careful she might end up in the crossfire of this mess."
"She's a grown woman who knows exactly what she's doing." Lungelo parked in front of me and got out of the car. He hugged me then helped me with the groceries and out them in his bit.

"That was quick." She whispered to me while looking at Lungelo
"How long did it take you to get under my ex again?" She kept quiet. "Yeah, I thought as much." I left her there and got into the car.

"You good?" Lungelo asked soon as i got into the car.
"Yeah, I'm great. She is a non factor in my life so I refuse to let her ruin my day or my life."
"Perfect. And soon she'll get what's coming to her. Very very soon." He said with a smile plastered on his face. And for some reason I think theres more to this smile than meets the eye. Is under what he is hiding.



It's been a week since Khanya met with Philani and his friends, and its been a week of waiting and wondering if they will really get back to him or they were just bluffing,but then again Philani and his crew never bluff.

Khanya went about his week and tried to keep everything at the back of his mind. He also had to make sure Bonolo doesnt find out about his plan. But he also knew he had to make sure she doesnt get caught in the crossfire of this war that's about to erupt. Afterall she is the reason he is even a step closer to finding out the truth about his father's death.

He finished up his closing statements in court and decided to call it a day. This was one of the biggest cases he's worked on this year, representing an MP who was charged with corruption, it seemed the universe had been working in his favour from the get go. The MP had come in handy when it came to getting information about Malcolm and his friends in parliament.

He decided to go to a restaurant first since there was no one in the house and he was in no mood to cook. He placed his order and sat down as they prepared it. His phone beeped and he took it out of his pocket. He looked at it and smiled when he saw the message and who it was from. All it said was 'we're in' and he knew, he didnt need to worry anymore. Things were coming together just right.

A waiter brought his food over and he made sure to give him a huge tip. He got up and on his way out he bumped into someone since he's eyes were still locked on his phone and the recent message. He looked up and instead of getting mad at whoever had bumped into him he was amused.

"Watch where you're going Radebe." He chuckled and kept going. After taking a few steps he turned around.
"Lesego!" Lesego turned around. "Maybe you should also watch where you're going, or better yet, watch where you come from and you'll know where you're going." He said before heading to his car leaving Lesego confused.

Lesego went into the restaurant and sat down while waiting for his wife to show up. They had decided to meet for lunch. The lunch dates had become sort of a ritual they undertake atleast once a week to keep up appearances. Their marriage was on rocky grounds but somehow Lesego was either too naive to see it or he was desperate to hold on to his perfect little life.

His wife showed up and sat down across from him. Their relationship was in ICU and ready to give up. They never held hands anymore or even kissed. Everything had gone south two years ago after the accident that claimed the life of Lisakhanya Biyela. Lebo has never been the same since then. Her drinking had never been a problem to her, although everyone around her always saw that her drinking had gone overboard, but she didn't think it was, until she took the life of a child while kak drunk.

"How long are we going to do this Lesego, this pretense that's going on?"
"As long as it takes." He said perusing through the menu. Lebo just sighed and opened her own menu. They made their order and ate in silence. As soon as they were done they called for the waiter to bring the bill. Lesego paid the bill while Lebo had her eyes glued to the door. Lesego followed the direction of his wife's eyes and shook his head when he saw who it was.

They got up and he held her by the hand and dragged her to the table where Philani and his friends were sitting. Although he didnt know any of them well enough he had run into them at gala dinners or business events. They had the type of relationship most men have, they dont need to meet up and catch up to know each other. They meet when they meet and keep it moving.

"Gentlemen." Lesego said with a fake smile on his face. The guys looked at him and said nothing, not a smile, no greeting just silence. He noticed though that while some of his friends were looking at him Philani had his eyes stuck on his wife. He looked at her and she was fidgety.
"Lesego Mashile. I havent seen you around in a while." Nate finally said, breaking the awkward silence.
"Business has been keeping me busy."
"I bet."

Lesego said his goodbyes and dragged wife out of the restaurant. They got into their cars and drove out. Lesego headed to his office not aware that he is being tailed. He got to his office and found a box on his desk with balloons floating around. He checked the box and looked around to make sure it wasnt anything deadly. He opened it. He found a note on the top of the box with a message, 'I know what you did. Its payback time.' He put the note aside and opened the tiny little box that was inside. He found another note that jus said 'icala aliboli.' He wasnt sure what to make of the messages, but history told him it wasnt good.

Meanwhile at the restaurant Philani and his friends are formulating a plan to make Lesego pay.

"I say we kill him." Razor says as he takes a sip of his drink.
"That will be too easy." Philani says. "He cant die. He needs to see everything he holds true and dear to his ice cold heart fall through his fingers. He needs to lose everything, even his underwear. I need him to beg for death. Killing him will be a small price to pay." The guys took their drinks and made a toast.

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