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Her lips stretched into a smile as she looked at the caller id on her phone. It had been ringing continuously but she couldn't answer it as she was cooking.

Without further delay, she picked it up.

"How is she? Agastya just told me about her. Tell me she is fine." An eager voice came from the other end.

Malti found her eyes tearing up after listening the voice of her best friend. The fear and desperation in her tone, melted her heart then and there.

"She is fine now." Malti replied.

"I was about to call you only. Can we meet?" Malti asked.

"Sure. Even I wanted to meet you. Should I come over or you will come here?" Gauri questioned excitingly.

"Let's meet at Manikaran Gurudwara?" Malti suggested.

"Okay. I am leaving home now only. See you there." Gauri hung up.

Malti sighed looking at the clock. It was ten past eight.

She had enough time.

She quickly wrapped her work in the kitchen and went upstairs.

"This girl is still sleeping." She mumbled entering inside Pari's room.

Switching on the lights, she made her way towards the bed. Her brows furrowed in confusion seeing Pari trembling in her sleep.

Her body was curved like a ball.

Malti's anger grew when a cool wave of wind passed through her. She looked at the windows, which were open.

She quickly closed them after looking outside.

Though, the sun rose but got lost amidst dark clouds. The big mountains were almost fully covered in fog.

"Pari....wake up." Malti shook Pari's arm lightly.

She groaned putting the blanket on her face. Malti smiled pulling the blanket from her grip.

It's her childhood habit.

"Pariiii" she almost screamed in her ears.

Pari opened her puffy eyes and looked at the traitor who destroyed her sleep.

Malti's smile fell looking at her eyes. She quickly put a fake smile on her face, she very well knew why her eyes were puffy.

"What, Maasi?" Pari whined.

"I am going to Manikaran Gurudwara. I have prepared your breakfast and lunch and the juice is in the freeze." Malti said folding her niece's blankets.

Pari looked at her with mouth hung open. Her Maasi was looking in a hury.

"Wait wait...you didn't tell me about this yesterday. Suddenly?" She asked getting off the bed.

"I am going to pray for you from Waheguru." Malti replied with a smile.

"Okay but I will come along. You are not going alone." Pari stated.

Malti is a Punjabi but her niece is not. It doesn't mean that Pari doesn't respect her culture, she does and loves going to Gurudwara with her Maasi.

"No no. You should go to the school, the students must be waiting for their favorite teacher. I will be fine, trust me." Malti hurriedly said.

After convincing her about her safety, Malti finally succeeded in her plan.

"Fine. But you will keep me updated." Pari ordered folding her arms over her chest.

"I will." Malti nodded with a smile.

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