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They say dawn brings a new and a hopeful day and that is not wrong. It does just like today. My heart was finally at peace seeing the relieved look on my wife's face.

The tears. Those ugly tears which were not leaving her eyes till last night, were finally nowhere to be found.

She doesn't look good while crying. It does something to me, her tears. They make me feel different bad emotions all together.

Anger, pain, sadness, helplessness...

I don't want to feel them again.

Last night, the doctor told me that Maasi is out of danger but they still had to keep her under observation for twenty four hours, which is fine. She had undergone a minor operation.

He also told me that the cancer is still at first stage. Yes, the doctor which has been taking care of her medicines since last six months is highly uneducated and irresponsible. His report was wrong where he mentioned the cancer being in it's last stage.

He has been giving her wrong medication since so long and thus it affected her health so badly. Thanks to the almighty her cancer didn't get affected much and can still be cured easily through radiation therapies.

That fucking doctor is so dead now. I will make sure to get his licence cancelled and he won't be able to continue his practice ever in any part of this world.

I don't remember many of the best moments of my life but when I saw the hope the shimmer in her eyes when I told her about Maasi, I knew this is the damn thing for which I will have to live from now on.

It became my fucking motivation to keep her happy and deprived of the emotion called sadness.

I can't describe the amount of relief I felt, the kind of satisfaction I felt when that small smile crossed her lips and those salty water vanished from her eyes.

Talking about Maasi, the ache I felt was unbearable when I saw her for the first time in the OT. She looked so fragile and so weak. I know she was in terrible pain but that small weak smile didn't fail to reach her lips the moment she saw me.

I didn't want to cry in front of her.

I couldn't.

That's weakness and I can't be weak, not when my wife and my two mothers are already suffering.

I have to be strong!


I sighed feeling the familiar warmth of her soft hand on my shoulder.

"Hmm" taking her hand off my shoulder, I kissed it while gazing at her face.

She was still looking so dull and weak. The dark circles and her puffy eyes were quite evident.

"Hungry?" I asked as she took a seat beside me.

Maa had already left as her health started deteriorating a bit so I forced her to go home. Anaya is already at the mansion with Yuvaan.

"Very much." She mumbled rubbing her tummy.

I smiled kissing her hand again. I too was really hungry but amidst all the chaos I didn't get the time to feel the hunger.

When everything started falling back at place, I started feeling hungry and a bit sleepy.

"Let's go." I stated getting off the seat holding her hand.

"Canteen?" She asked and I nodded.


I wanted to chuckle at her clumsiness. She was having her burger peacefully with the sauce spread all over her lips and even the tip of her nose.

Melody Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon